Quick Start Guide of Precis-BX305
This quick start guide provides the basic information needed to set up and use Precis-BX305
GNSS RTK boards. For detailed information on the installation and operation of Precis-BX305,
please refer to the Precis-BX305 User Guide.
Overview of Tersus GNSS RTK System
GNSS RTK is a precise relative positioning technique, which achieves centimeter positioning
accuracy. RTK positioning requires a minimum of two sets of Tersus RTK boards, which are used
as the base station and the rover station respectively. Normally, the base station is set up on a fixed
known point and it consistently transmits differential corrections to the rover station. The rover
station receives differential corrections from the base station and calculates very precise RTK
The following figure is an overview of Tersus GNSS RTK system, which demonstrates how it
works. We recommend using COM2 to transmit and receive the differential data (in RTCM format)
and using COM1 for configuration and logging RTK solution.
Figure 1 Overview of Tersus GNSS RTK System