MIDI Master USB (English)
Bank selection
To select a new instrument bank on a connected device (such as a sound card or MIDI ex-
pander), MSB and/or LSB messages can be sent.
To send the LSB number, press the “BANK LSB” button. The LED display begins to blink. Now
enter the number of the desired instrument using the number keys or, alternatively, you can
use the +/- keys to select the desired number.
To send the MSB number, press the “BANK MSB” button. The LED display begins to blink.
Now enter the number of the desired instrument using the number keys or, alternatively, you
can use the +/- keys to select the desired number.
Program and bank selection storage
Program and bank selection numbers (LSB / MSB) can be stored in the MIDIMASTER USB,
allowing you to send them subsequently using the number keys (0-9).
Select a program, bank LSB or bank MSB number as described in the previous chapter. Then
press the “Memory” keys. The LED display begins to blink. Now press the desired number key
(0-9). Note that the previously selected program and bank selection numbers are always as-
signed together to a single number key.
Octave selection
The “Octave” keys (+/-) shift the tone pitch of the clavier one octave up or down respectively.
The LED display shows the pitch of the shift while you modify the octave. If you press both
“Octave” keys simultaneously, the tone is reset to the standard octave.
You can transpose the keyboard in 12 halftone steps. To do so, press the “Transpose” button.
The LED display begins to blink. You can now use the + and – keys to transpose the keyboard
by halftone steps. Here, too, the LED display indicates the current value.
If you press both the + and - keys simultaneously, the transposition is reset to the standard
value. Switching the MIDIMASTER USB on always resets the transposition to its standard.
MIDI transmit channels
There are 16 different MIDI channels to which the MIDIMASTER USB can transmit MIDI data.
Always make sure that the receiver, for example your external MIDI expander or similar com-
puter software, is set to the same channel or, if desired, is set to listen to all 16 channels all
the time. Now enter the number of the desired MIDI transmit channel using the number keys
or, alternatively, you can use the +/- keys to select the desired number.
When the keyboard is switched on, channel 1 is set.