Hardware. Extras. Details.
It's no secret that two uncoupled CD inputs (e.g. for burner and CD-ROM) with specially pre-set noise
cancellation, headphone amplifier and wavetable connector are convenient extras which you soon won't
need to do without. Peace and silence are guaranteed by a signal-to-noise ratio beyond -97dB and straight-
as-an-arrow frequency paths, that - no gods, no masters - can only be overcome by the equalizer.
ControlPanel. Software. Etc.
With its easy-to-read and intuitive control panel, we are handing you the tool you need to configure the DMX
XFire 1024 to fit your needs. Once you have selected your settings, you can easily save them and load them
again as needed.
With the included software you can get started now regardless of what your interests may be. Musicmatch
Jukebox records, decodes and encodes MP3 files. Professional music editing can be achieved with the
excellent Audio- & MIDI sequencer Logic Fun from Emagic and for wave and sample editing the included
Steinberg Wavelab Lite is the tool of your choice.
A 2-year warranty, telephone and e-mail support and direct hardware exchange at TerraTec in the event of a
product defect are, of course, included in the price.
TerraTec's SoundSystem DMX – XFire 1024. Get experienced.
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