SoundSystem DMX – XFire 1024 [read: Crossfire]
Ultimate 4 channel 3D audio acceleration plus Digital I/O.
The XFire 1024's references read like a "Who's Who" of 3D-sound standards: Via superior Sensaura
technology the DMX Xfire 1024 offers full support for A3D 1.0, DS3D, EAX 1.0 and EAX 2.0 bringing up to four
speakers to life. Digital, whether in or out, with the DMX XFire 1024 you can do it. The S/PDIF digital out even
guides AC3 streams through - courtesy of Dolby Digital. In addition the DLS 1.0 compliant wavetable
synthesizer allows you to upload alternative sound sets, which can be used instead of the default 8MB
sound set. Only the equalizer is capable of throwing the straight frequency paths off track before the end.
Listen. Aim. Fire.
A3D, EAX 1.0/2.0 and the gang rev up on the XFire 1024 alternatively over headphones, 2 speakers or 4.
Through clever DSP routines the Sensaura’s Multidrive technology guarantees optimal sound quality for
every speaker configuration. Using Sensaura's key technologies Multidrive, MacroFX and EnviromentFX,
DirectSound3D, A3D and EAX 1.0/2.0 are accelerated to supersonic speeds, making uncompromising gaming
more than just a pipe-dream. Your CPU will thank you for it. MacroFX, for example, differentiates between
sounds in your immediate environment, much better than it has been possible before now. That way, even
radio transmissions coming over the headset in your Mig-16's cockpit are finally understandable, meaning
you won't be demoted for not following orders.
Digital. In. Out.
The digital input on board of the DMX XFire 1024 can be synchronized to 32, 44.1 and 48kHz and
automatically recognizes what's going on. The control panel readily gives you information about the digital
input's status, like pre-emphasis and copy-protection.
The digital output keeps connected to the outside world at 48kHz and lets you connect to DAT recorder,
Minidisk recorder and other equipment. Pre-emphasis and copy-protection can also be set. Its flexibility
becomes obvious when a corresponding software-DVD player passes the AC3 stream (e.g. Dolby Digital)
along to the digital output without any problems.
1024. MIDI. DLS.
1 Kilo of voices - 1024, to be exact - are available for the MIDI conductor. 8MB and no single sample less
await your arrangements. The support of DLS 1.0 makes it possible for you to replace the original sound set
with your very own individual cast. Even the trumpets of Jericho will resound again if they come in the form of
a DLS sound set. Load it up. Get busy.
SoundSytem DMX Xfire1024 – 11/2001- page 1 / 3
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