Cinergy 2400i DT (English)
We're pleased that you have chosen a TerraTec ReceiverSystem and would like to congratulate
you on this decision. With the TerraTec Cinergy 2400i DT you've purchased a sophisticated
product representing the state of the art of PC/TV technology. We're convinced that our
product will prove extremely useful to you and provide you with a great deal of entertainment.
The manual provided tells you in complete detail all about the ReceiverSystem TerraTec
Cinergy 2400i DT and how to use it correctly.
And here is an overview of its major features...
Digital TV and radio reception via antenna (DVB-T)
Windows Media Center Edition (MCE) compatibility
Quality DVB-T tuner
Time shifting of live programs
Simultaneous recording and playing of different programs
Electronic program guide for the scheduling of TV and radio recording sessions (EPG)
We hope you enjoy your ReceiverSystem TerraTec Cinergy 2400i DT and would like to suggest
that you browse this hopefully entertaining manual when you get the chance. In addition to
the important information about its technology, we have outlined a number of typical
applications wherever appropriate. We're convinced that even experienced users will profit
from this guide. Thanks for your attention—enjoy!
...your TerraTec Team