TerraTec 128i PCI - Big Sound… Small Price
Reap the benefit of advancing technology with the TerraTec 128i PCI sound card. The sound-chip
technology delivers a level of audio quality previously only available from high-end sound cards.
Full compatibility with Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000 and Plug & Play means installing the TerraTec 128i
PCI is child’s play itself. Microsoft DirectX™ compatibility ensures perfect sound from all the latest games
as well as legacy SoundBlaster™ Pro compatibility for all those old favourites.
For flawless MIDI playback, the TerraTec 128i PCI comes with a wavetable synthesizer with a 1Mbyte and 3
MB General MIDI soundset, available to choose from.
Internal connectors are provided for audio inputs from CD-ROM and Aux for the ReceiverSystem or
a similar product. External connections are provided for a mono microphone, stereo line input and stereo
line output for active speakers as well as a standard gameport connector for joysticks and MIDI.
Together with the bundled AudioRack software, the TerraTec 128i PCI will form the heart of your PC based
home entertainment system.
If all of this were not enough, we have included IBM VoiceType Control, an incredible piece of software that
allows you to control your computer through voice commands.
Key Features.
PCI Plug & Play
Real-Mode DOS SoundBlaster/-PRO compatible
Integrated Software Wavetable
3D Sound (VSpace)
Enhanced Full Duplex
Driver for MS-DOS 7.0,
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