RGB LED – TIMER, schedule and Bluetooth communi-
cation indicator
On/Off button and TIMER switch
Temperature adjustment and
Bluetooth pairing
Blue LEDs – temperature setting indicators
MOA Blue electric heating element is equipped with a radiator tem
perature sensor (active by default!) and an additional room temperature
sensor that can be activated by a mobile control application.
Turning on the unit for a specified period of time does not mean that it
will receive the same maximum power at all times. The element when
switched on, works at nominal power level for a short time to reach pro
grammed temperature and then periodically turns itself on and off, con
suming just as much energy as is needed to maintain the set tempera
ture taking into account external conditions.
The heating element’s construction, as well as the physical characteris
tics of the heating medium, cause the lower radiator tubes (especially
the bottom two) to have a lower temperature than the rest of the radia
tor – this is perfectly normal.
The device is equipped with a thermal fuse, which in emergency situa
tions protects against exceeding critical temperatures (this fuse may be
damaged at the temperature of 82° C – it refers in particular to heating
elements installed in radiators connected to a central heating system).
The MOA can be operated using the buttons on the housing (see sec
tion Manual Operation) or via a mobile device – smartphone, tablet (see
section Remote Control).