Antenna Assembly
8. Loosen the U-bolt nuts, slide the TV36 antenna over the mast and
lightly tighten the mast clamp.
(See figure 7.)
NOTE: The top side of the antenna is the side with the black plastic pieces
on top of the large boom.
9. Connect the coax downlead to your TV. Rotate the TV36 antenna
until you receive the best picture. You will probably need a helper to
view the TV set while you are rotating the antenna. See “Pointing the
Antenna Towards the Broadcast Tower”
NOTE: Point the small end of the antenna towards the station
broadcast tower.
10. Tighten the mast clamp securely.
11. Secure the coaxial downlead to the mast (using cable ties) to prevent
it from whipping by the wind.
12. Ground the antenna and mast per the accompanying grounding
(See page 14.)
Pointing the Antenna Towards the Broadcast Tower
1. Go to www.terk.com and click on the “Antenna Locator.”
2. Enter your home address and then “Submit.”
3. Click “View Street Level Map” to see in which direction you
should face your antenna.
Fig. 7
Point this end
towards the
broadcast tower
General Installation Instructions
for Mast Mounted Antennas
1. Assemble your antenna on the ground at the installation site
per the instructions.
2. On the ground, attach the antenna to the mast. Pull enough
coax downlead and connect to the antenna per its instructions.
3. To insure that the mast does not fall, a durable nonconductive
rope should be attached to each ten foot section as it is raised.
4. Install the selected mounting bracket.
5. If you are using guy wire installation (not included) instead of
a mounting bracket:
• Install guy anchor bolts.
• Estimate length of guy wire and cut.
• Attach to mast using a guy ring.
6. Carefully take the antenna and mast assembly to the mounting
bracket and insert. Tighten the clamp bolts. In case of a guyed
installation, it will be necessary to have at least a second
person hold the mast upright while the guy wires are attached
and tightened to the anchor bolts.
Antenna Removal
Removal of the antenna should be exactly the reverse of the
installation instructions. Please, for your own safety, follow
the instructions for installing the antenna starting with the last
step first.
T0436-TV36 Revise-OM.qxp 11/11/03 03:53 AM Page 7