73S1217F Evaluation Board User Guide
Rev. 2.4
To use the Windows standard driver, select the usbccid.inf file located in the “CCID USB
XPDriver” subdirectory. The uscccid.inf and usbccid.sys files must be in the same directory on
the host.
3.1.1 Driver and Software Installation on a Linux System
Teridian has tested the 73S1217F Evaluation Board with Linux CCID driver v1.3.2 and PCSC-Lite v.1.4.4
(middleware) on two distributions of Linux: Slackware
6 with kernel 2.4.16, and Fedora
7 with kernel
2.6.23. Refer to the
73S1215F, 73S1217F CCID USB Linux Driver Installation Guide
for details on installation and usage on a Linux system.
3.2 Frequently Asked Questions
Q The PC/SC application starts but it shows a “No Reader Found” message.
A: Follow these steps to make sure:
1. The board has powered up properly (USB is securely connected and there is power applied to the
2. Control Panel – System – Hardware – Device Manager – Smart Card Readers shows: “Teridian
Semiconductors USB CCID Smart Card Reader...” And there is no yellow “!” or red “X”.
3. Smart Card Service has started by going to ‘Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services –
Smart Card’. Look under the “status” column and if it shows “stopped”, hit the restart or start
button to start it.
4. If all of the above look ok, hit the refresh button on the CCIDUSB.exe application.
Q: There is a yellow “!” on the Teridian driver shown on the Device Manager menu.
A: This usually means the driver did not complete the driver enumeration process. Push the reset button
on the evaluation board a few times. If the board is connected to the host via a USB HUB, remove the
HUB and try connecting the board directly to the PC USB port to make sure the driver and the board
can enumerate with the USB host. If the problem persists, check the driver on the PC to make sure it
is at least version Contact your Teridian Sales Representative for the latest version of the
driver. Sometimes, rebooting the PC Host to clear up any previous USB problem will help.
Q: There is a red “X” on the Teridian driver shown on the Device Manager menu.
A: This usually means the smart card driver has been disabled. Highlight and right click on the driver to