In the case of floor-installed type
This section describes the procedure for installation by embedding anchor bolts (box-out
(Select and carry out only the required steps for the pre-embedded anchor bolt method.)
(1) Clean the surface of the foundation concrete and check the level.
If necessary, chip the concrete surface
(2) Clean the anchor bolt hole and remove dust.
The inner walls of the anchor bolt holes must be
moist but water should not remain in them. Drain
any water completely.
(3) Set one (1) parallel liner and two (2) taper liners
symmetrically on both sides of the anchor bolt
hole of the fan as shown in the figure.
Insert an auxiliary liner (3 mm thickness or more)
if required.
If the distance between the anchor bolts exceeds
1 m, place an additional liner between them.
(4) Place the fan on the liners, and insert the anchor
bolts through the bolt holes of the fan so that they are hung inside the box out holes.
In order to ensure earth-quake resistance, weld the anchor bolts to the reinforcement bars of
the foundation concrete.
(5) Adjust and fix the position and height of the fan using taper liners.
The level should be 0.1 mm per 1 m as a standard.
(6) Chip the inner walls of the anchor bolt holes to roughen them sufficiently to pour
non-shrinkage grout into the holes.
Make sure that the anchor bolts are positioned vertically at the center of the hole.
(7) After the grout is hardened enough, fasten the nuts of the anchor bolts tightly.
Be careful not to tighten the nuts unevenly.
Weld the liners so that they would not be displaced when the fan is running
(8) Pour sufficient grout between the fan and the foundation concrete so that they form a solid
concrete structure
(9) Be careful so that the grout should not be shrunk or cracked.
Foot of the fan
Auxiliary liner
Taper liner
Parallel liner
Foundation concrete
Grout cosmetic