™ H.264 Encoder
User Guide V 2.1
Inserter SD:
Specifies the image file which shall be inserted. This field takes
only an effect when your video input is SD.
Inserter HD:
Specifies the image file which shall be inserted. This field takes
only an effect when your video input is HD.
Position X:
Specifies the X-coordinate in pixels of the insertion position. The
origin of the coordinate is in the left top corner of the video image.
Position Y:
Specifies the Y-coordinate in pixels of the insertion position. The
origin of the coordinate is in the left top corner of the video image.
Upload a PPM Image file:
Specifies the path of the image file which shall be uploaded. Please
browse to the path of your image file (*.ppm, portable pixmap),
which you have received from Teracue, and click afterwards the
‘Upload’ button.
Uploads the image file (*.ppm, portable pixmap) which is selected
in the ‘Upload a PPM Image file’ field.
Delete a PPM Image file:
Specifies an image file which shall be deleted. Please select your
desired image file, which shall be deleted, and press afterwards
the ‘Delete’ button.
Deletes the image file which is selected in the ‘Delete a PPM Image
file’ field.
Table 14: Description of the 'ENCODER/INSERTER' webpage of the ENC-