™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder
User Guide V1.3
3. DEC-3
00™ User Guide
This chapter gives you an overview over DEC-3
00™ and demonstrates the decoder's main functions.
Before proceeding please be sure that the decoder is setup correctly and all necessary
connections are established.
Working and configuring Teracue's decoders is very easy.
You do not need to install an application or remote configuring software. If you know how to browse
the internet, then you already know how to access and control the decoders, simply via web-browser.
Accessing and Configuring Decoders
Open your standard web-browser and type in the decoder's IP-address (e.g.
‘’) in the
address field
and press the ‘Enter’ button.
If you haven't changed the factory presets and if not specified elsewhere in the
shipment the decoder's IP-address will by default be set to:
Default IP-address:
Login username:
Login password:
The decoder is configured by factory default to automatically start the decoding
process and displaying the stream of the multicast address, when a
network link and a link to the display unit are established.
To be able to login to the decoder's user interface, your computer has to be in the same
IP-address range (subnet).
You briefly might have to change your computers IP-address to be in the same subnet as the decoder.
Only then you will be able to access the decoder and change the decoder's IP-address, and of course
afterwards change your computer's IP-address back.