DEC-200™ H.264 and MPEG-2 Decoder
User Guide V2.7
Audio Talkback
The audio input on the DEC-200™ operates as an audio encoder. It enables operating the DEC-200™
in Full Duplex Audio. The DEC-200™ in connection with the ENC-100™ or ENC-200™ can therefore
be used for audio conferencing environments, where viewers of the encoded live streams are to be
able to ask questions and communicate with people on the encoding side. The default talkback port
number of the DEC-200™ is 9177.
For Example:
An encoder can be set up to encode video and audio from a camera that is installed at an entrance
(security application). The person who wants to enter speaks into a microphone to state his/her name,
etc. The microphone is connected to the audio input of the encoder. By using the decoder’s audio
input a receptionist/security officer is able to talk back to the person, e.g. arguing why access is denied
or that the person should hold its ID into the camera. This represents regular two-way communication
(Full Duplex Mode).
Another Example:
Students from classrooms or large auditoriums are communicating with doctors or surgeons inside of
operation rooms or other sealed environments. With the DEC-200's talkback option students or
monitoring staff are able to ask on the spot questions and communicate and learn in real-time.
Talkback Session between DEC-200™ and ENC-200™
To use the talkback function on the DEC-200™ in connection with the ENC-200™, please be sure that
your encoder has the firmware version 0.9.20 or higher, because this firmware is necessary. If your
ENC-200™ does not have the firmware version 0.9.20 or higher, please contact
In order to talkback from the DEC-200™ to the ENC-200™, please be sure that you have a
microphone or another audio signal connected to the ‘Audio In’ input of your DEC-200™. Take also
care that loudspeakers are connected in the ‘Audio Out’ output of the ENC-200™ on which you want
talkback. See Figure 33. Figure 34 shows the talkback connection between DEC-200™ and ENC-
200™ in Full Duplex Mode.
Figure 33: Talkback connection between DEC-200™ and ENC-200™