2. Push the long pipe (15), with the end
on which the notches are located,
into the opening of the stand foot (16).
At the other end of the long pipe is
a screw, which must point upwards.
Push the pipe into the stand foot until
the notches are no longer visible.
3. Place the storage plate (14) over the
long pipe so that it sits on the brackets
on the pipe and is held in position.
Place the short pipe (13) with the end
in which the thread is located into
the opening of the storage plate and
into the long pipe. Turn the short pipe
clockwise into the long pipe until it is
turned tight.
4. Place the BBQ tray (11) onto the short
pipe. Push the BBQ tray downward
until it stops.
5. Place the drip pan (9) into the bracket
in the BBQ tray.
6. Place the BBQ plate (5) on the BBQ
tray (11) in such a way that the con-
nection socket (6) is guided through
the opening designed for that purpose.
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28/9/2017 4:17 PM