Pegging Out The Rainfly
Pegging Out The Rainfly
The final part is to peg out the rainfly using
The final part is to peg out the rainfly using
the bungees and pegs provided.
the bungees and pegs provided.
Simply attach the bungee loop to the wing
Simply attach the bungee loop to the wing
points and the pegs, pulling until firm, then
points and the pegs, pulling until firm, then
screwing them into the ground to secure.
screwing them into the ground to secure.
33, Pull it taut, attach to
33, Pull it taut, attach to
a peg and screw it into
a peg and screw it into
the ground.
the ground.
32, Attach the peg bungee to the
32, Attach the peg bungee to the
wing hook and pull out and
wing hook and pull out and
down towards the ground.
down towards the ground.
31, Locate the hook and loop
31, Locate the hook and loop
on each wing of the Safari
on each wing of the Safari
Stingray rainfly.
Stingray rainfly.