Before using the product, please read “Care instructions, hints and advice” which is found on the memory stick that was included when you purchased your tent.
Assembling a half inner-tent
Loosen the outer tent so much so that the central pole
can be raised. From above, push the pole down through
the opening at the top of the inner-tent and place it on the
square reinforcement on the floor next to the door opening.
A half inner-tent can be positioned in various ways but it must be
assembled so that the air intakes on the outer tent and inner-tent are
opposite each other. (Onyx has no air intakes, Zirkon has one and Safir
has three.)
Raise the central pole and put the
regulating tube holder in place.
Attach the regulating tube to the holder.
Lift up the inner-tent.
Unless you are very tall, you will not be able to reach up to attach the inner-tent to the top of the tent. In that case, instead of following the steps described
in the manual, start by opening the door slightly at the bottom. Then shorten the central pole by removing the necessary number of sections before you push
the pole through the opening at the top of the inner-tent and out through the open door. Then place the pole on the ground outside the inner-tent so the floor
is not damaged. Lift up the inner-tent and follow the instructions in the manual for attaching it to the outer tent. Once the inner-tent is in place, assemble the
central pole again and place it on the inner-tent’s reinforcement by the door opening. Attach the regulating tube as described. Then stretch the long side of
the floor, using the two outer and the two inner floor tensioners, and then tighten the three remaining outer floor tensioners, making sure the tension is evenly
distributed. Finally, make the tent taut again by tightening the ground tensioners.