Tense MDK-03 Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

Parameter 1 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can enter the High Voltage Value. This adjusts the high 
operating voltage of the motor. Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: 230V - 270V Default Value: 245V 

The red display group shows the voltage value. If low or high voltage error occurs, this display group blinks. 

    Press menu button in order to enter menu. Firstly, (P1) will be displayed on the screen. On the menu, the red display group shows the parameter 
value and the yellow display group shows the adjusted value. On the menu, you can change the value by pressing on the up and down keys. Then, 
by pressing the menu button you can slide the menu forward and save the previous value if you have changed it. By pressing the reset button when 
you are on any parameter, you can exit from the menu. When you press the reset button, the parameter on the screen is not saved but the 
adjustments on the previous parameters are saved. As (P12) parameter is being displayed on the screen, you can also press the menu button in order 
to exit from the menu. If you do not press any button when you are on the menu for about 50 seconds, the device automatically exits from the menu 
and the adjustment made on the parameter displayed on the screen is not.

Menu Usage: 

The yellow display group shows the current value. If low or high current error occurs, this display group blinks. 

Parameter 2 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can enter the High Current Value. This adjusts the high 
operating current (Thermic) of the motor. Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: 



0A Default Value: 5A 

Parameter 4 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can enter the Low Current Value. This adjusts the low 
operating current of the motor. Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: 0V - 


0A Default Value: 0A 

Parameter 3 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can enter the Low Voltage Value. This adjusts the low 
operating voltage of the motor. Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: 150V - 210V Default Value: 160V 

Parameter 5 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can set the Current Error Waiting Time It is used to set the 
time period (in seconds) at the end of which the motor will be stopped after a low or high current error occurs. 
Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: 0 sec. - 850 sec. Default Value: 2 sec. 

Parameter 6 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can set the Current Auto Reset Time It is used to set the time 
for automatic reactivation (reset) of the motor after it stops due to a high or low current error. When the value is on 
"OFF" position, the motor should be reset manually. When a time period is set, the motor stands by for the adjusted 
time period after it stops and it is reset automatically. Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: OFF - 850 sec. Default Value: OFF 

Parameter 7 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can set the Demurrage Multiplier. During start up (demurrage), 
the engine draws current at a level higher than that of the normal operating current. It indicates how many times this 
drawn high-current (demurrage current) is above than the high-current set value. Slide the menu forward by pressing 
menu button. 


Value Range..: 1 - 10 Default Value: 3 

Parameter 8 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can set the Demurrage Time. It adjusts the start-up time of the 
motor. While the motor is on the start-up process, the device allows demurrage (starting) current to flow during this 
duration. Demurrage Current = High Current Set (P2) x Demurrage Multiplier (P7). Example: Assume that High 
Current Set Value is 5A and Demurrage Multiplier is 3. Demurrage Current = 5 x 3 = 15A. Slide the menu forward 
by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..:0 sec. - 850 sec. Default Value: 10 sec. 

Parameter 9 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can set the Current Auto Reset Number. it is used to limit the 
number of resets, if the motor is automatically reset constantly after a high or low voltage error occurs. If the value is 
on "OFF" position, there is no limitation for the number of resets. When a value is set, the device resets the motor 
automatically as much as the number set for the parameter and then the device switches to manual reset mode. 
Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: OFF - 200 Default Value: OFF 

Parameter 11 : Indicates whether the electrodes contact the water. If the reading is less than 230, the electrode is in 
contact with the water. If the value is big, it does not touch. The red display indicates the top electrode and the yellow 
display indicates the bottom electrode. Use the Menu key to scroll through the menu.

Parameter 10 : By pressing Up and Down buttons, you can set the Upper Electrode Waiting Time When the water 
level within the well reaches to the upper electrode, this parameter provides the motor to operate after it stands by 
during the time set beforehand. Slide the menu forward by pressing menu button. 


Value Range..: 0 min. - 850 min. Default Value: 0 min. 

Parameter 12 : By pressing the Up or Down button, you can select Start / Stop Memory. It is used to set whether the 
device will launch in the last operating position (start or stop) or not. If you want the device to always launch in start 
position, the value must be set to "1" and the device must be on start position. Otherwise, the device always 
launches on stop position. By pressing the menu button, you can exit from the menu. 


Value Range..: 0 - 1 Default Value: 1 

























