TENS2U ITOUCH PLUS Instructions For Use Manual Download Page 20

Summary of Contents for ITOUCH PLUS

Page 1: ...2u co uk fof flre bestTENS nrachines andacc ssories at tl lebestpricesI ens touch pIus Instructions for Use Tancll...

Page 2: ...itouch plB i Mid rtully ary to us yet6ffss thevery b stnTEN5 painruliefrris rorulrot on5id rable re rch and fepresent5a n geneEtonof ItN5 ui b 2 SPECIAT EATURES dor h heen fted sdr a d ara m fr 3h dd...

Page 3: ...yqDoociodnrcnsth D vJddo OTHER FEATURES HOW TENS WORKs Cldk andMedi alion Alams...

Page 4: ...asy toUse Drug Free TENssends a SentLe nimulatoi tlirouehtheskii whi h work3 ho6 ftelthen hne6sld hedofi3y 4 5IDE EFFECTS 5 THE PROCRAM14ES ercs mmalMand N tsd5 iouk bercp6ndrdr4lLrLykt rherede noknow...

Page 5: ...costantrigLngfIJ dnds...

Page 6: ...6 PROCRAMME INFORMATION r ecuen y m asured in Hz pules pe Kond Pulse width lmeasurcd inp mLllionths df se ond...


Page 8: ...7 CREEN NFORMAIION ON Channellsten8thUPbulton Toincrease Stren8th Pa J i fod No eisr o t reLt th oL f f e Pads 2 5TA eve i5r b rtomLerr hri oms 10 9nA 1r i bysfi3 a sotrrd n i8rhr 1r r reeLin olsbdn L...

Page 9: ...t m4 rherate r i rera ui tr Ltrrm5wtl off ALreridveLy r ie t i oianneL2 st n8th uPblrton Toin rease nrengthr P sandhold do LntLrequ red rreieth 5 heved u Lthoifan3rh hd fea hed2i fi rha 2 5mALeveL lte...

Page 10: ...n rhe nis ayp d 5 d rhc rler nLrort r touchpLurup0ads cunomised serinStu se D3 yclo k I i f1i l l0 3tr0155 ro r de rheariom sedsei n3i rL n rolii mc Mor N Usemode P iid LrowN bit ir i leLedFrq er lFRF...

Page 11: ...he 0 rhestlt o r tusriid raL rhsblitonto salethe aftiie io n oi theLaDnRn do rhe 5m0LyFdrhe ie0 hore nd p es the Medlcation Alam Usage Diary r Arii r riS DrylMEMr id L D clo k annNredicaron ALamr tsiv...

Page 12: ...o irv soily ad v tedwhentheunit 5p opey db hed tothebodyandworringd aifeiSth ro fesat theuese Da yb aro pr aid toeorher fofr ecoids unrI thebotom Lne shNs 00000o IhsnedstDberepeatrd ror ro Lo l u d o...

Page 13: ...padt AAr 5vlTyDe LR6 brtefes 12 lbatte ysymboL d t s mportantto haile th bdtererm Jooiaspos ble Rech arsea bleb3terier t s poa bLe to use Dnpos L ofbatter es ALways drpo of warning Ke p batrse ouiorth...

Page 14: ...nendr 2whternd 2 bLtr rPurr trrepieidt ito th pgt3Lends ortheeLedrcde p ds Ihe moao kad e an belpLit s requ ed aid adu 00 toggLe d nece ry l4odoL adw re olourcodlng L T Mono readw e ldlaL haiieL d ipp...

Page 15: ...oiror I o tt orDolte Lmb o pi eiLLlou pad o theim Lmb i lurfe prtefi v th ei h P d berg abod 4 plLo r prF e ortheprd some olr re6 r i r ofrr p d b 3ddis i t iy roP of do I toomlrl rter tidded 5iuff nP...

Page 16: ...v lrro oyiv d nSrip roi tJIryor ar r a p d omi3 pdrly ry d a kthentenstywL JUt mr Ly erfii rha ofSr LeveL rre PADS rLamdoes ioi nd on Aiia hinsihebeLt aadLeTodtJ r rr cD Lt 1 prni rrio itou hpl6 urirr...

Page 17: ...SHOOTINC r o rtN ma hna s i r r ok iBI lD iq r ed epLa rlr iumb rooefea i e tr 0iy f PAOS u rL rs rs Eivelor i 4i I7 CAUT ONS WARNINCS IyoL re afie ie f m ra fe rfyou e i anydoubt about ny orthesewrn...

Page 18: ...20 DSPOSAL OFWASTE ELECTR CALAND ELECTRON C PRODUCTs WFEE 2 TECF N CALSPEC FICATION 9to heLp to onseethe AmDL tudelove 50nohn Lo dl...

Page 19: ...ntemar power sou Type BF oergned ror oit iuous use Norp nLmoade protedion Th5symbol ontheunt meant Relor to mtudoii foru vri uo ofromthelkt d v luesdue...

Page 20: ...ens2u co u k for the bestTENS machines andaccessories at thebestprices I l Tenscare t...
