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Recall Setup
The front panel settings can be recalled from one of the four internal memories.
Press any button of M1 to M4.
For example, the memory of the panel setting is recalled in M1.
After you recall M4, rotate the shuttle knob and then M5 is recalled.
If the memory indicator is lit on the panel of lights, then the current memory is recalled.
Note: When a setting is recalled the output automatically turns off.
Remote Control
All models can be connected to a computer through interfaces USB/RS232 on the back of the machine and controlled by the
remote control.
COM setting
Set up the COM port inside the computer according to the following list:
Baud rate: 9600
Parity bit: None
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Data fow control: None
Functionality Check
Run this query command via the terminal application, such as MTTTY (Multithreaded TTY).
This should return the idenitifcation information: Manufacturer, model name,
serial number, TENMA 72-2535 SN:xxxxxxxx Vx.xx
Entering the Remote Control Mode:
Connect the USB.
The power supply will automatically connect. After a normal connection, there will be a beep from the power supply itself.
The panel keys are locked, so the power supply can only rely on the remote control.
Exiting from the Remote Control Mode:
Close the remote control software.
Disconnect the USB from the back.
The power supply disconnects. You will hear a beep, which hints that the remote control mode has been exited.
The power supply automatically comes in the panel control mode.
Series Remote Control Syntax V2.0
Command format: VSET<X>:<NR2>
1. VSET: command header
2. X: output channel
3. : separator