Enter the
of the training/test. In order to be able to identify the template later.
• Enter
number of photocell/reflector pairs
used in the training/test “
# of Gates
• Enter
number of runs
used in the training/test “
# of runs
• If Lap Run (Start optogate = Finish optogate) is selected, it is possible to set the number of
laps and lap distance.
Select a
type of the photocell
(its function) - the type/function of the photocell MUST be the
same as the photocell’s setting. It is a number from 0 to 9 (see Hardware Manual for
photocell’s settings)
We recommend that you mark the start photocell with the number "0" and the finish photocell
with the number "9". Numbers 1-8 can be assigned to split photocells.
For a correct communication of the computer software with the photocells, it is essential that
the numbers of the photocells that represent their function are identical with the settings in
the computer (Gate ID)
Select the
distance between the photocells
(start, finish, split). Enter the values, press
Enter or click anywhere in the program window to confirm.
• The program calculates “
Total distance
” automatically
Setting a correct distance is necessary for calculating the correct speed.
Please read the software user’s manual for the software setting.
- Saves a new training/test template to a Data/Templates