High Power
Wireless AC1200 Dual Band Router
Enter the ISP login name and password .
The default wireless band is 2.4G and default wireless security key is
12345678. For better security ke y, please change the default security key
(Security key should be 8 -63 characters).
to save your settings.
4 Verify Internet Connectivity
System will automatically enter the Status screen after you save the settings made
on the Quick Setup scree n.
If the connection status displays "Connected" (as shown below) . you are
connected to the Internet.
I f co nn ect i on s t atu s di s pl a ys "C ab l e i mp ro p er l y co nn ect ed ! ”
t h e con n ecti on b et w een th e
ro ut er and In t er n et fai l s.
Make sure the cable from the incoming Internet side is
properly connected to the router's WAN port. If nothing is wrong, "Connecting" or
"Connected" will be displayed.