address is also named BSSID. (
Basic Service Set
Identifier of wireless network. In IEEE802.11, BSSID is the
MAC address of wireless access point.
Specify the effective channel (from 1 to 13\Auto)
of the wireless network. The channel you select must be
correspondence with the AP provided by your ISP.
Security Mode: The security mode you set should be the
same as the AP. More details please refer to the Wireless
Security Settings chapter.
We recommend you “Scan” the Aps and then select the SSID in
your scanned SSID list for convenience.
Click “Next” to the following interface.
4.3.3 Connection method
In WISP mode, there are three ways of access methods: ADSL
Virtual Dial-up (via PPPoE), Dynamic IP (via DHCP) and Static
IP. It is suggested to choose Dynamic IP and click “Next”. Other
setting methods please refer t o 4.1.4 to 4.1.6.