AD696/AA Microphone Base For PC
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The AD696/AA microphone base can be connected to a PC running the ADAM software for the centralized
management of Tema IP audio devices.
Through the AD696/AA microphone base enabled by the ADAM software, the announcements can be made on the
LAN network in Multicast channels to the network amplifiers or to the AD600 series IP-SIP speakers of the
SipComStage line.
The arm, which is flexible at two points, is removable and is fixed to the base with a standard XLR connector.
The cable itself has an XLR connector that ends with a 3.5mm jack to be connected to the microphone port of a
generic PC.
Typically used with the ADAM program (**) the AD696/AA base allows to operate in different ways
Standard mode, microphone always open and available to the software to make announcements:
from the microphone page of the ADAM program the microphone is activated to be able to emit the message on
the network and simply the voice will be broadcasted on the speakers network. This mode is obtained by leaving
the switch on the microphone base always in position "I".
Mode with protected message output, ideal for short messages, microphone available to the software to make
announcements but open when the button is pressed on the microphone base:
from the microphone page of the ADAM software the microphone is activated to be able to emit the message on
the network but the audio received from the microphone is not diffused on the loudspeaker network until the
operator presses and holds the button on the microphone base.
Mode with protected message emission, indicated for announcements or long-term warnings, microphone available
to the program to make announcements but open to the command of the switch on the microphone base:
from the microphone page of the ADAM software the microphone is activated to be able to emit the message on
the network but the audio received from the microphone is not diffused on the loudspeaker network until the
operator moves the switch which is normally kept in position "0" on the "I" position. At the end of the
announcement, the switch must be returned to position "0".
For all three modes of use, it is possible to precede the message received by the microphone from a CHIME
warning issued automatically by the ADAM software when the microphone is activated.
(** = for the complete functions and details on the use of the software refer to the specific product manual)