4, Click play to view the real time image.
Note: If there is much image lag, select “more option” to enter into following setting, change buffer time smaller (VLC default buffer
time is 1000ms).
VISCA over IP means VISCA protocol transmit via IP, to reduce
RS232/RS485 cable layout (the controller must support IP
communication function)
Communication port spec:
Control port: RJ45 Gigabit LAN
IP protocol: IPv4
Transmit protocol: UDP
IP address: set via web end or OSDmenu
Port address: 52381
Confirm send/transmission control: depend on applied program
Applied range: in the same segment, not suitable for bridge network.
Turn on camera: In the menu, set VISCA option to OVER IP
How to use VISCA over IP
VISCA Command
It means commands from controller to peripheral equipment, when peripheral equipment receives commands, then return
ACK. When commands executed, will return complete message.