Data limits functionality
Data limit can be configured for Home and Roaming Separately. Currently Min Settings for
Home are 100MB and Roaming are 10MB. User can choose to get SMS notification (in SMS
Events section) if Data limit has been reached. SMS is send only one time.
User can get current status of datalimits using SMS:
User can reset data limits using SMS:
These SMS can be GPRS commands too. When data limit will be hit following scenario will be
In TCP and UDP modes:
Open GPRS only if there is high or panic Priority. Send only high or panic priority. Low
priority records sending will recover on month 1 day.
SMS Security
Essential fields in ‘SMS Security’ part are ‘SMS Login’ and ‘SMS Password’ (Figure 29). This
login and password is used with every SMS sent to FMB630. If login and password are not set,
every SMS sent to FMB630 device has to include two spaces before command
Command structure:
SMS login and password are set - “asd 123 getgps”
SMS login and password are not set - “ getgps”
Phone numbers have to be written in international standard, without using “+”
or “00” signs in prefix.
If no numbers are entered in configuration then
commands SMS are allowed to be sent from all GSM numbers.