Please read all the safety notices before using this
device. This device is designed to be used at least
20 cm from your body. Do not use the device near
fuel or chemicals or in any prescribed area such as
service stations, refineries, hospitals or aircraft.
Obey all warning signs where posted.
Radio frequency safety information
The device has an internal antenna. For optimum
performance with minimum power consumption
do not shield the device or cover it with any object.
Covering the antenna affects signal quality, might
cause the router to operate at a higher power level
than needed, and may shorten battery life.
Radio frequency energy
Your wireless device is a low-power radio
transmitter and receiver. When switched on, it
intermittently transmits radio frequency (RF) energy
(radio waves). The transmit power level is optimised
for best performance and is automatically reduced
when there is good quality reception. Maximum
power is used only at the edge of network coverage
so under most circumstances the power output is
very low. Under poor network conditions the device
transmits at a higher power, may get hot and may
have a significantly shorter battery life.
Declaration of conformity –
specific absorption rate (SAR)
Your device is designed to be used at least 20cm
from the body. We declare that the product
detailed in this manual, and in combination with
our accessories, conforms with the essential
requirements of the Radio Communications
Standard (Electromagnetic IC Radiation Human
Exposure) 2003 and the Australian Communications
and Media Authority Section 376 of the
Telecommunications Act 1997 when used at a
distance of not less than 20cm from the body.
The worst case SAR test result for 10g tissue size
measured at 10mm distance is 1.3W/kg.
ROHS declaration
(reduction of hazardous substances)
The manufacturer declares that your device is free
from hazardous materials and complies with EU
directive 2002/95/EC (commonly known as RoHS)
and the amendments.