Two other studies of interest have been reported recently in the literature:
1.Two groups of 18 people were exposed to simulated mobile phone signals under
laboratory conditions while they performed cognitive function tests. There were no
changes in the subjects’ ability to recall words, numbers, or pictures, or in their
spatial memory, but they were able to make choices more quickly in one visual test
when they were exposed to simulated mobile phone signals. This was the only change
noted among more than 20 variables compared.(3)
2.In a study of 209 brain tumor cases and 425 matched controls, there was no increased
risk of brain tumors associated with mobile phone use. When tumors did exist in
certain locations, however, they were more likely to be on the side of the head where
the mobile phone was used. Because this occurred in only a small number of cases,
the increased like lihood was too small to be statistically significant.(4)
Muscat et al. Epidemiological Study of Cellular Telephone Use and Malignant Brain
Tumors. In: States of the Science Symposium;1999 June 20; Long Beach, California.
Tice et al. Tests of mobile phone signals for activity in genotoxicity and other
laboratory assays. In: Annual Meeting of the Environmental Mutagen Society; March
29, 1999, Washington, D.C.; and personal communication, unpublished results.
Preece, AW, Iwi, G, Davies -Smith, A, Wesnes, k, Bu tler, s, Lim, E, and Varey, A.
Effect of a 915-Mhz simulated mobile phone signal on cognitive function in man. Int.
J. Radiat. Biol., April 8, 1999.
Hardell, L, Nasman, A, Pahlson, A, Hallquist, A and Mild, KH. Use of cellular
telephones and the risk for brain tumors: a case-control study. Int. J. Oncol., 15:
113-116, 1999
In summary, we do not have enough information at this point to assure the public that
there are, or are not, any low incident health problems associated with use of mobile
phones. FDA continues to work with all parties, including other federal agencies and
industry, to assure that research is undertaken to provide the necessary answers to the
outstanding questions about the safety of mobile phones.
What is known about cases of human can cer that have been reported in
users of hand -held mobile phones?
Some people who have used mobile phones have been diagnosed with brain cancer. But
it is important to understand the this type of cancer also occurs among people who have
not used mobile phones. In fact, brain cancer occurs in the U.S. population at a rate of
about 6 new case per 100.000 people each year. At that rate, assuming 80 million users
of mobile phones (a number increasing at a rate of about 1 million per month), about
4800 cases of b rain cancer would be expected each year among those 80 million people,
whether or not they used their phones. Thus it is not possible to tell weather any
individual’s cancer arose because of the phone, or whether it would have happened
anyway. A key question in whether the risk of getting a particular form of cancer is
greater among people who use mobile phones than among the population. One way to
answer that question is to compare the usage of mobile pones among people with brain
cancer with the use of mobile phones among appropriately matched people without