TPS900 repair user guided V1.0
Click “Preferred network” to select the proper network. You’d better ask the SIM
service provider which network is the preferred network.
Click “Preferred network type” to select the proper network type, for example,
Global or others. You’d better ask the SIM service provider which network type is the
preferred network type. If you are not sure, you can select “Global ”.
Click “Access Point Names” to select the correct Access Point Name. Generally, it
need set APN manually.
Or, try to Click “Network operators” to search the network again, and select the
proper network.
3.9 Camera does not open
Try to reboot the POS.
Try to re-load the firmware.
Check the cable which connects the camera to the mainboard. Or try to disconnect the
cable, and check if the connector has any false. And clean the cable and the connector.
Then connect the cable again carefully.