DTV Audio Processor
Congratulations on your purchase of the Linear Acoustic AERO.100.
AERO.100 delivers the high-quality television loudness control, 2-channel to 5-channel upmixing, and
flexible signal routing expected in a Linear Acoustic processor for both PCM and Dolby®-coded audio with
available Nielsen® watermark encoding.
Like all other AERO-series products, it uses the industry-standard AEROMAX® and UPMAX®-II algorithms
to ensure a consistent and compliant output level for main channel and SAP audio without compromising
audio quality. LKFS/LUFS loudness metering and logging is provided for each program.
AERO.100 is available with one or two AMX processing instances. Each instance can be of one of the
following configurations:
AMX5.1 (5.1+2+2) - 5.1-channel processing for main program audio with upmixing, 2-channel
processing for SAP audio and/or a downmix of the main program audio, and a second 2-channel
processor for an additional program and/or main program downmix
AMX2.0 (2+2+2) - 2-channel processing for main program audio including downmixing for native
5.1-channel content, 2-channel processing for SAP audio and/or a duplicate of the main program
audio, and a second 2-channel processor for an additional program
Both configurations allow local audio insertion from an outside source, typically for EAS alerts or TTS
(text-to-speech) audio.
The first processing engine of any AMX instance can be optionally configured to include Dolby® Digital/
Dolby Digital plus transcoding. This provides decoding of Dolby Digital/Dolby Digital Plus content to PCM
for loudness processing, and encoding to Dolby Digital/Dolby Digital Plus for transmission.
Nielsen watermark encoding is optionally available for all program outputs of a given instance including
N2, N6, and CBET.
I/O includes one HD/SD-SDI input and output with access to all eight audio pairs and four pairs of AES-3 I/O.