UC864-G Hardware User Guide
- 29/10/07
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12 General Purpose I/O
The general-purpose I/O pads can be configured to act in three different ways:
Alternate function (internally controlled)
Input pads can only be read and report the digital value (high or low) present on the pad at the read
time; output pads can only be written or queried and set the value of the pad output; an alternate
function pad is internally controlled by the UC864-G firmware and acts depending on the function
Not all GPIO pads support all these three modes:
GPIO5 supports all three modes and can be input, output, RFTX monitor output (Alternate
GPIO6 supports all three modes and can be input, output, alarm output (Alternate function)
GPIO7 supports all three modes and can be input, output, buzzer output (Alternate function)
Some alternate functions for UC864-G may be added later on