SE867-AGPS User Guide
1VV0300860 Rev. 3 - 2010-05-10
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved
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command, the receiver sends the confirmation in the following form:
In case of a failure of execution of GETCONFIG, CONFIG or SET command the receiver
sends the ERR reply message. Please see the ERR section for details (
The default settings:
The default settings plus the enabling of the 2D start-up mode for all start modes only,
except COLD start:
The default settings plus the enabling of the 2D start-up mode for the cold start mode
Antenna Configuration
The Antenna configuration is used to configure the antenna delay in nanoseconds. It is
used for the calibration of PPS accuracy.
The current antenna configuration can be read in the system with the following
The answer is as follows: