Hardware User Guide
1VV0301298 Rev. 1.05 - 2017-06-18
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Using a GPIO Pad as Input
GPIO pads, when used as inputs, can be connected to a digital output of another device and
report its status, provided this device has interface levels compatible with the 1.8V CMOS levels
of the GPIO.
If the digital output of the device is connected with the GPIO input, the pad has interface levels
different from the 1.8V CMOS. It can be buffered with an open collector transistor with a 47 k
pull-up resistor to 1.8V.
Using a GPIO Pad as an interrupt / Wakeup source
GPIO pads which are used as input can also be used as an interrupt source for the software.
In general all GPIO pads can be also used as interrupts.
However, not all GPIO’s can be used as a wakeup source of the module (wakeup from sleep)
Only the following GPIO’s can be used for waking up the system from sleep
Using a GPIO Pad as Output
GPIO pads, when used as outputs, can drive 1.8V CMOS digital devices or compatible hardware.
When set as outputs, the pads have a push-pull output, and therefore the pull-up resistor can be