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May 2022
Specific SDI/HDMI input or inputs are
not working on capture card. If ALL
inputs not working, see “Driver Issue”
section below
These can present as no feed at all
from an input, fuzzy/blurry feed,
distorted feed (horizontal lines across
Test different cables and cameras,
and confirm
if the other inputs work.
Verify DirectShow.
In Wirecast’s add source
dialog, press the three vertically stacked dots
towards the top right of the window, and select
“Show Duplicate Sources”. Now, under “System
Devices” within Video Capture, choose the input
that correlates with the video input you noticed
the issue with. Note the result, and contact
Telestream Support.
Restart the box.
sometimes helps with
recognizing the card.
If SDI/HDMI is intermittent, it could be a bad
capture card.
Fan Issue
Fans run constantly at high speed
Driver Issue
Capture Card driver disappears after
Windows update
Will present as yellow question marks
next to devices in Windows Device
Check to make sure Windows didn’t corrupt
the video driver
. Go into Windows Device
Manager and make sure there is no exclamation
point next to the GPU. If there is, run Windows
Restarting the box sometimes helps with
recognizing the card.
Keyboard not being detected
Keyboard delayed or non-responsive
Try a hardwired keyboard
plugged into a USB
ports to test to see if it’s a port issue. If it’s not
working, then there could be an issue with the
USB ports. Then the motherboard would need
Move the USB dongle to the front
, bringing it
closer to keyboard (short range).
Check batteries
, make sure keyboard is turned on.
Wirecast Gear 3
Troubleshooting Guide