4.3.5 Multicast Paging
You can use the multicast function that will simply, conveniently and efficiently send the timely
notice to each member of the multicast group. The multicast key is set on the telephoneto send the
multicast RTP stream to the pre-configured multicast address. Throughthe configuration
monitoring multicast address on the phone, listen and play theRTP stream sent by the multicast
address, the RTP stream multicast process does notinvolve SIP signaling. The phone can be set up
to monitor 10 multicast addresses.
Multicast Paging Configuration
Paging Barge
The common call priority in case of the multicast access.
Define the call priority, 1 is the top level, 10 is the bottom
Paging Priority Active
Paging priority switch: you can enable or disable the
paging priority switch. The function determines how to
handle the newly incoming multicast RTP stream when the
phone is presently performing the multicast session. If the
paging priority switch is enabled, the phone will
automatically ignore the multicast RTP stream with the
lower priority and receive the multicast RTP stream with
the higher priority and place the current multicast session
on hold. If the paging priority switch is disabled, the phone
will automatically ignore all the newly incoming multicast
RTP streams.