©2011 Telegesis (UK) Ltd
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ETRX357USB Product Manual (Rev 1.00)
7 Driver Installation and Operation
The drivers provided will generate a virtual COM port allowing easy access to the serial port of the
embedded ETRX357.
To read more about the ETRX357-LRS wireless mesh networking module and its command line
interface please read the corresponding documentation which can be found at
7.1 Windows XP/Vista/7 Driver Installation
The driver package downloadable from the Support
Software download page of
should be unzipped into a local folder. When executing the file
‘TgVCPInstaller.exe’ prior to plugging in the ETRX357USB stick an installer will guide you through
the steps required for the driver installation.
Figure 1: Found New Hardware Wizard
After insertion of the USB stick, Windows
may prompt that new hardware has been found. If you
have run the ‘TgVCPInstaller.exe’ Windows will be able to install the driverautomatically, but if you
have not run ‘TgVCPInstaller.exe’ you will have to manually point to the directory into which you
have unzipped the driver.
Please note that each ETRX357USB has a unique serial number which requires the installation
procedure to be repeated with every new ETRX357USB being attached to the computer, though
the process is not obtrusive. This allows multiple ETRX357USB sticks to be used on the same
computer at any one time.
In order to find out the identity/number of the virtual COM port the stick has been assigned to,
please open the Device Manager under the Windows Computer Management screen (see below)
and click on the Ports (COM and LPT) section where you should find the new virtual COM port. By
double clicking on the entry of the virtual COM port you can also change the number assigned to
the virtual COM port when entering the advanced setup of the device.