© 2010 –
2012 Telefire Fire & Gas Detectors Ltd
Revision 1.01 January 2012
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Please check the detector’s value in the control panel’s MONITOR screen. If
the value is higher than 103, replace the detector. The detector should be
cleaned if it is lower than 61.
Periodic Testing
Fire alarm systems should be checked periodically. Please refer to NFPA and local fire
codes to determine service frequency.
Use the control panel’s Walk Test mode to perform automatic reset. Please refer to the
control panel’s manual for additional details on how to perform Walk Test.
4.1.1 Test Procedure – Locally
1. Apply a magnet to the side of the detector next to the LED for 3 – 5 seconds. This
activates an internal testing circuit that simulates presence of smoke in the detector,
tests the sensing mechanism and the detector's electronic circuit.
Do not apply naked flame to the detector!
2. The analog value representing the smoke level will be transmitted to the control
panel for evaluation. The control panel will transmit a signal to the detector to turn
on its LED. During the test the detector’s values may be observed at the control
panel. Please refer to the ADR-3000 manual for additional information.
3. Once the detector is in alarm mode, it keeps the alarm condition until reset by the
control panel. If the control panel is in "Walk Test" mode, it will reset the alarm after
a few seconds. Please refer to the ADR-3000 manual for instructions on how to
conduct a walk test.
4.1.2 Test Procedure – From the Control Panel
It is also possible to test the detector using the ADR-3000’s “Monitor” option menu.
Please refer to the ADR-3000 manual for instructions on how to use and interpret the
monitor screen.
Testing detectors with an aerosol spray may cause increased contamination
in the labyrinth chamber due to accumulation of oil residue and dust. This
accumulation may shorten the detectors life-span and require it to be sent to
the factory for cleaning.
Detector Cleaning
Contamination is a by-product of normal operation and may be caused by various
sources, most of which are impossible to eliminate. Normal human activity creates a
constant source of airborne dust and dirt that over a period of time may affect the
detector's performance.
Analog detectors should be cleaned when a maintenance signal appears on the control
panel. Local regulations may specify an interval period for maintenance schedule.
The TFO-480A's chamber is removable and can be cleaned or replaced. Cleaning
should be done by qualified personnel in order to ensure that the detector is properly
handled, reassembled correctly and tested for proper operation.