U s er
G u i d e
P a g e 2
In t r o d u c t i o n
B . F e a t u r e s
H a r d w a r e F e a t u r e
Video recording w ith rate up to 100/ 120f ps (RX 364), 200/ 240f ps (RX 368 & RX 3616)
Remote and standalone operations
Composite video output w ith O SD menu
SM A C-M multi-rate video coding technology
Real time video transmission
Up to 60f ps (RX 364), 120f ps (RX 368 & RX 3616) over LA N f or N TSC
Up to 50f ps (RX 364), 100f ps (RX 368 & RX 3616) over LA N f or PA L
Excellent picture resolution
Up to 720 x 480 pixels f or N TSC
Up to 720 x 576 pixels f or PA L
4 (RX 364)/ 8 (RX 368) / 16 (RX 3616) video inputs w ith one video output
1 (RX 364)/ 2 (RX 368 & RX 3616) audio inputs
1 audio output and 1 public addressing (P.A .)output
4 relay sw itches and 4 (RX 364) / 8 (RX 368) / 16 (RX 3616) alarm inputs
4 additional detection inputs
Removable hard disk
Built-in CD w riter
F u n c t i o n a l F e a t u r e
support both static and dy namic I P
Sophisticated event management
Sy stem arm/ disarm
Flexible connections: LA N , A DSL, PSTN , I SDN , mobile netw ork, etc.
Triplex operation: simultaneous video monitoring, recording & play back
Video motion detection
Event-driven recording
Pre- & post-event video recording
Entry / exit z one conf igurable on all alarm inputs
A uto alarm dialback
Connection authentication
Compatibility w ith popular telemetry protocols
Single-site monitoring
W eb-based video monitoring
Programmable video recording
Data retention