Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Input/Output Isolation:
Max 300V between process input and 4-
20mA output (single and multiple channel
outputs). No isolation between inputs on
multiple channel units.
Operating Temperature:
-4 to 158°F (-20 to 70°C)
Temp. Compensation
: Automatic, -30 to 140°C, RTD. Accuracy
within ±0.1% over a 0-100°C span.
8.7 cm x 12.5 cm
Calibration: Auto Buffer Calibration
Allows definition of two buffer points,
saved in memory, during the initial
startup. This allows subsequent zero and
span calibrations with only 2 keystrokes.
Back-to-Factory Calibration
With 2 keystrokes, allows user to to return
to a zero electrode offset and to the typical
full scale millivolt offset.
Temperature Trim
Allows for compensation for any
differences in RTDs by programming the
offset to the transmitter.
Temperature Display
Temperature can be field-configured to
display in °C or °F.