804 Series Video Test Generator
– User Guide
Page 85
Revision B3
NBPC 12 // sets the component bit depth to 12)
NBPC? // returns the current value.
Command supported?: Y
Query supported?: Y
Sets the enable gate of video output. (This is defaulted to 1
– only set to 0 to disable video when absolutely necessary.)
Requires FMTU or ALLU to activate.
Query returns the current setting for the enable gate for the video.
OUTG 1 // enables the outputs.
OUTG? // returns the current setting.
Command supported?: Y
Query supported?: Y
Enables red/green/blue, respectively. (Also see XVSG.)
Requires FMTU or ALLU to activate.
Query returns the current setting for enabling red, green, blue video.
REDG 1 // enables the red output channel.
GRNG 0 // disables the green output channel.
BLUG 1 // enables the blue output channel.
BLUG? // returns the current setting.
Command supported?: Y
Query supported?: Y
Sets the current format to either progressive (SCAN 1) or interlaced (SCAN 2).
Requires FMTU or ALLU to activate.
Query returns the current setting for the scan type.
SCAN 1 // sets the output to progressive.
SCAN? // returns the current setting.
Command supported?: Y
Query supported?: Y
Sets the IRE level on specific flat-color images.
SIRE 50 // sets the ire level to 50%.
SIRE? // returns the current setting.
Command supported?: Y
Query supported?: Y