Teledyne 3300PA Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 2


Teledyne Analytical Instruments

Copyright © 1999 Teledyne  Analytical Instruments

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Teledyne Analytical Instruments, 16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA  91749-1580.


This equipment is sold subject to the mutual agreement that it is warranted by us free

from defects of material and of construction, and that our liability shall be limited to
replacing or repairing at our factory (without charge, except for transportation), or at
customer plant at our option, any material or construction in which defects become
apparent within one year from the date of shipment, except in cases where quotations or
acknowledgements provide for a shorter period. Components manufactured by others bear
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the purchaser by the acceptance of the equipment will assume all liability for any damage
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We reserve the right to employ any suitable material in the manufacture of our

apparatus, and to make any alterations in the dimensions, shape or weight of any parts, in
so far as such alterations do not adversely affect our warranty.

Important Notice

This instrument provides measurement readings to its user, and serves as a tool by

which valuable data can be gathered. The information provided by the instrument may
assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by his process; however, it is
essential that all personnel involved in the use of the instrument or its interface, with the
process being measured, be properly trained in the process itself, as well as all instrumenta-
tion related to it.

The safety of personnel is ultimately the responsibility of those who control process

conditions. While this instrument may be able to provide early warning of imminent danger,
it has no control over process conditions, and it can be misused. In particular, any alarm or
control systems installed must be tested and understood, both as to how they operate and
as to how they can be defeated. Any safeguards required such as locks, labels, or redun-
dancy, must be provided by the user or specifically requested of Teledyne at the time the
order is placed.

Therefore, the purchaser must be aware of the hazardous process conditions. The

purchaser is responsible for the training of personnel, for providing hazard warning
methods and instrumentation per the appropriate standards, and for ensuring that hazard
warning devices and instrumentation are maintained and operated properly.

Teledyne  Analytical Instruments (TAI), the manufacturer of this instrument,

cannot accept responsibility for conditions beyond its knowledge and control. No state-
ment expressed or implied by this document or any information disseminated by the
manufacturer or its agents, is to be construed as a warranty of adequate safety control

under the user’s process conditions.

Summary of Contents for 3300PA


Page 2: ...y parts in so far as such alterations do not adversely affect our warranty ImportantNotice This instrument provides measurement readings to its user and serves as a tool by which valuable data can be gathered The information provided by the instrument may assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by his process however it is essential that all personnel involved in the use of the ins...

Page 3: ...ssure 2 3 2 2 5 Calibration Characteristics 2 4 2 3 Electronics 2 5 2 3 1 General 2 5 2 3 2 Signal Processing 2 5 Installation 3 1 Unpacking the Analyzer 3 1 3 2 Location and Mounting 3 2 3 2 1 Control Unit Installation 3 2 3 2 2 External Probe Installation 3 2 3 2 3 Installing the Micro Fuel Cell 3 2 3 3 Electrical Connections 3 3 3 4 Gas Connections 3 6 3 5 Installation Checklist 3 6 Operation 4...

Page 4: ... the Fuse 5 1 5 2 Sensor Installation or Replacement 5 2 5 2 1 When to Replace a Sensor 5 2 5 2 2 Ordering and Handling of Spare Sensors 5 3 5 2 3 Removing the Micro Fuel Cell 5 3 5 2 4 Installing a Micro Fuel Cell 5 3 5 2 5 Cell Warranty Conditions 5 4 Appendix A 1 Specifications A 1 A 2 Spare Parts List A 2 A 3 Reference Drawing A 3 A 4 Miscellaneous A 3 A 5 Material Safety Data Sheet A 3 ...

Page 5: ...lways exist The customer should ensure that the principles of operating of this equipment is well understood by the user Misuse of this product in any manner tampering with its components or unau thorized substitution of any component may adversely affect the safety of this instrument Since the use of this instrument is beyond the control of Teledyne no responsibility byTeledyne its affiliates and...

Page 6: Teledyne Analytical Instruments This page left intentionally blank ...

Page 7: ...inertgasblanketingapplications 1 2 Main Features of the Analyzer Themainfeaturesoftheanalyzerinclude Highresolution accuratereadingsofoxygencontentfrom0 1 through0 25 with0 100 rangeoptional Large bright light emitting diodemeterreadout Simplepushbuttoncontrols Nyloncellholder AdvancedMicro FuelCell forpercentanalysis hasatwoyear warrantyandanexpectedlifetimeof3years Unaffectedbyoxidizablegases Fa...

Page 8: ...ification 0 10 V dc CompactandruggedControlUnitwithflush panelcase Designed forindooruse 1 3 Front Panel Description Allcontrolsanddisplaysexceptthepowerswitchareaccessiblefromthe frontpanel SeeFigure1 1 Thefrontpanelhassevenpushbuttonmembrane switches adigitalmeter andanalarmindicatorLEDforoperatingtheanalyzer ThesefeaturesaredescribedbrieflyhereandingreaterdetailinChapter4 Operation Figure 1 1 F...

Page 9: ...etersupwardsasthey aredisplayedontheLEDreadout DownArrow Incrementvaluesofparametersdownwardsas theyaredisplayedontheLEDreadout DigitalLEDReadout ThedigitaldisplayisaLEDdevicethat produceslarge bright 7 segmentnumbersthatarelegibleinanylighting environment Ithastwofunctions MeterReadout Asthemeterreadout itdisplaystheoxygen concentrationcurrentlybeingmeasured MeasurementParametersReadout Italsodis...

Page 10: ...useHolder Replacingthefuseis describedinChapter5 Maintenance I OPowerSwitch Turnstheinstrument power ON 1 or OFF 0 AnalogOutputs 0 10 V dcconcentrationoutput 0 10 V dcrangeID oroptionaloverrange output 4 20 mA dcconcentrationoutput negative ground AlarmConnections Alarm1 Alarm2 andSensorFailureAlarm connections SensorConnector InternalSamplingSystem Sensor Connector ...

Page 11: ...ainsamicrocontrollerthatmanagesallsignalprocessing input output and displayfunctionsfortheanalyzer 2 2 Micro Fuel Cell Sensor 2 2 1 Principles of Operation TheoxygensensorusedintheModel3300PAisaMicro FuelCell designedandmanufacturedbyTAI Itisasealed disposableelectrochemical transducer TheactivecomponentsoftheMicro FuelCellareacathode ananode andtheaqueousKOHelectrolyteinwhichtheyareimmersed Thece...

Page 12: ...passesintothecell Attheotherendofthecellisaconnector andatemperature compensationnetwork resistorsandthermistor onaprintedcircuitboard RefertoFigure2 1 BasicElementsofaMicro FuelCell whichillus tratesthefollowinginternaldescription Figure 2 1 Basic Elements of a Micro Fuel Cell not to scale Atthesensingendofthecellisadiffusionmembrane whosethicknessis veryaccuratelycontrolled Nearthediffusionmembr...

Page 13: ... 2 H2 O 4e anode Twoelectronsaretransferredforeachatomofleadthatisoxidized TWO ANODEREACTIONSbalanceonecathodereactiontotransferfourelec trons Theelectronsreleasedatthesurfaceoftheanodeflowtothecathode surfacewhenanexternalelectricalpathisprovided Thecurrentisproportional totheamountofoxygenreachingthecathode Itismeasuredandusedto determinetheoxygenconcentrationinthegasmixture Theoverallreactionfo...

Page 14: ...thisreason thesamplesystemsupplyingsamplegastothecellshould bedesignedtokeepthepressureonthediffusionmembraneconstant 2 2 5 Calibration Characteristics GiventhatthetotalpressureofthesamplegasatthesurfaceoftheMicro FuelCellinputisconstant aconvenientcharacteristicofthecellisthatthe currentproducedinanexternalcircuitofconstantimpedanceisdirectlypropor tionaltotherateatwhichoxygenmoleculesreachthecat...

Page 15: ...behindtherearpaneloftheControlUnit Thesignalprocessingelectronicsincludingthesensoramplifier microcontroller analogtodigital anddigitaltoanalogconvertersarelocatedon theMainPCB whichismountedvertically justbehindthefrontpanelofthe ControlUnit 2 3 2 Signal Processing Figure2 3isablockdiagramofthesignalprocessingelectronicsdescribed below Figure 2 3 Block Diagram of the Signal Processing Electronics...

Page 16: ...satingforthechangesofthemicrofuelcell outputtotemperature Theoutputfromthesensoramplifierissenttoananalogtodigitalconverter ADC andtheresultingdigitalconcentrationsignalissenttothe microcontroller Thedigitalconcentrationsignalalongwithinputfromthefrontpanelbuttons KEYBOARD isprocessedbythemicrocontroller andappropriateoutput signalsaredirectedtothedisplayandalarmrelays Thesamedigitalinformation is...

Page 17: ...austed cells should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet in the Appendix Any damage or scarring of the delicate permeable membrane on the sensing end of the cell will require cell replacement Prevent contact with membrane by any solid object 3 1 Unpacking the Analyzer As soon as you receive the instrument carefully unpack and inspect Control U...

Page 18: ...yzer 3 2 2 Installing the Micro Fuel Cell A Micro Fuel Cell is included as a separate item It must be installed prior to instrument use Also once it is expended or if the instrument has been idle for a lengthy period the Micro Fuel Cell will need to be replaced To install or replace the Micro Fuel Cell follow the procedures in Chapter 5 Maintenance 3 3 Electrical Connections Figure 3 1 shows the M...

Page 19: ...n Full scale 100 of programmed range 0 10 V Range ID 03 33 V Low Range 06 66 V High Range 10 V Air Cal Range 4 20 mA Range Current increases with increasing oxygen concentra tion from 4 mA at 0 percent oxygen to 20 mA at full scale percent oxygen Full scale 100 of pro grammedrange Alarm Relays The three alarm circuit connectors are screw terminals for making connections to internal alarm relay con...

Page 20: is located in the lower left hand corner of the rear panel The 6 pin polarized connector is keyed to fit only one way into the receptacle Do not force it in The other end of the cable have two terminal connectors This should be connected to the header on the top of the sensor 3 4 Gas Connections The standard Model 3300PA has two inlets and one outlet fixture only Calibration gasses can be con...

Page 21: ...he vacuum service option is recommended for applications in which the sample source is not pressurized The customer must supply a pump and bypass system to complete the sample system The sample inlet and outlet pressure must be maintained at a constant pressure for proper performance If the sample inlet or vent pressure will not be held constant during the process a pressure regulator must be used...

Page 22: ...ed between the analyzer and the span gas source This valve is used to adjust the span flow rate to match the sample flow rate Do not adjust the span flow rate with the flow control valve located on the analyzer for units with vacuum service options Figure 3 3 Piping Diagram for Vacuum Service Option 3 5 Installation Checklist Before connecting the instrument to the power source and turning it on m...

Page 23: ...volves setting the system parameters Defining the user selectable analysis ranges Settingalarmsetpoints Calibratingtheinstrument All of these functions are performed via the front panel controls shown in Figure 4 1 Analyzing for the percent oxygen level in the gas passing through the cell block is the default mode of operation As long as no front panel buttons are being pressed the Analyzer is ana...

Page 24: ...Incrementsthedisplayedvalueupwards Incrementsthedisplayedvaluedownwards Any of the functions can be selected at any time by holding down the appropriatebutton Each function will be described in the following sections Although the operator can use any function at any time the order chosen in this manual is appropriate for an initial setup 4 3 Setting the Analysis Ranges The two user definable analy...

Page 25: ...rm Setpoints The alarm setpoints can be adjusted over the full range of the analyzer 0 25 oxygen content They are set as a percent of oxygen content so that an alarm set to indicate 9 6 on the display will activate at 9 6 O2 on any O2 range 4 4 1 Set Alarm 1 Alarm 1 can be set either as a high or low alarm To configure this alarm to your preferences 1 Press the SET ALARM 1 function button once 2 T...

Page 26: ...r viceversa if within 5 seconds no key is pressed the instrument will return to the sample mode and displayoxygenconcentration 3 To change the setting at which the alarm will be actuated press the SET ALARM 2 function button once more The alarm setpoint will flash on the LED display Press either the Up or Down keys to raise or lower the displayed value as required until the display reads the desir...

Page 27: ... starts flashing and will continue to flash for five minutes before timing out During this five minutes interval the LED will continue to track gas through the analyzer 2 Flow span gas of a known oxygen concentration into the analyzer The analyzer will begin to track the span gas Note The alarms will not change state during span calibration 3 When the meter stabilizes use the UP DOWN arrows to adj...

Page 28: ...he SPAN button by mis take you must wait five minutes for the analyzer to resume analisis or you can press the UP button and then the DOWN button Pressing the UP and DOWN buttons causes the analyzer to time out in five seconds instead of fiveminutes If during the span procedure you press the RANGE or ALARM buttons either the range or alarm routine will be activated any changes to span will be reje...

Page 29: ...he Fuse Remove Power to Unit before replacing the fuse Whenafuseblows checkfirsttodeterminethecause thenreplacethe fuseusingthefollowingprocedure 1 DisconnecttheACpowerandplacethepowerswitchlocatedon therearpanelintheOposition Removethepowercordfromthe receptacle 2 Thefusereceptacleislocatedinthepowercordreceptacle assemblyintheupperleft handcorneroftherearpanel SeeFigure 5 1 Figure 5 1 AC Fuse Re...

Page 30: ...he buttons thecellmayneedreplacing ReadthesectionCellWarrantyConditions below beforereplacingthecell Inaddition ifthefrontpanelPercentOxygenMeterdisplays 00 0 when theunitispluggedin andthepowerswitchisintheONposition thesensor needs to be replaced IMPORTANT After replacing the Micro Fuel Cell the analyzer must be recalibrated See Calibration in chapter 4 5 2 2 Ordering and Handling of Spare Senso...

Page 31: ...ld contain one of these toxic substances In case of eye contact immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes Call physician See Appendix Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS 5 2 3 Removing the Micro Fuel Cell ToremoveaspentordamagedMicro FuelCell 1 DisconnectthePowerSourcefromtheUnit 2 OpenSensorHousingdooronthefrontpanel 3 Unplugtheconnectorfromthespentcell 4 Removethespentcellbyunscrewin...

Page 32: ... Micro FuelcellisusedintheModel3300PA Thiscellis alonglifecellandiswarrantedfor2years underspecifiedoperatingcondi tions seeAppendix fromthedateofshipment NoteanyAddendaattachedto thefrontofthismanualforspecialinformationapplyingtoyourinstrument Withregardtosparecells warrantyperiodbeginsonthedateofshipment Thecustomershouldstockonlyonesparecellperinstrumentatatime Donot attempttostockpilesparecel...

Page 33: ...emittingdiodedisplay Alarms Twocustomerselectablehighorlowfully adjustablealarms Onecellfailurealarm Alarmrelaysform C contacts drycontacts rated at 2A for 30VDC 0 5A for 115VAC SystemOperatingTemp 0 50 C Accuracy 2 offullscaleatconstanttemperature 5 offullscalethroughoperatingtemp rangeoncetemp equilibriumisreached At 3 andhigheruserdefinedranges Response Time 90 in less than 8 seconds at 25 C Sy...

Page 34: ...Fuse AC A 250 VAC IEC Type T 1 F 274 Flowmeter 0 3 3 0 SCFH IMPORTANT Orders for replacement parts should include the part number and the model and serial number of the system for which the parts are intended Send orders to TELEDYNE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES Analytical Instruments 16830 Chestnut Street City of Industry CA 91749 1580 Telephone 626 934 1500 TWX 910 584 1887 TDYANYL COID Fax 626 961 25...

Page 35: andinterconnectiondiagram D 69220 OutlineDiagram A 4 Miscellaneous The symbol is used on the rear panel of the model 3300PA to signify voltsalternatingcurrent V ac NOTE The MSDS on this material is available upon request through the Teledyne Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator Contact at 626 934 1592 ...

Page 36: ...A 4 Appendix Model 3300PA Teledyne Analytical Instruments ...
