Teledyne 212R Instruction Manual Download Page 23

Teledyne Analytical Instruments


Thermal Conductivity Analyzer                                     Model 212R

tom must be evident with zero gas flowing.  If this symptom is displayed only
when the sample is flowing, the problem is related to one (or more) of the five
(5) points outlined in section 7.3.

To check the temperature control circuit, use the following procedures:


With the power switch ON, open the control panel door and
check to see if the fan is running.  If it is not, check the left hand
fuse.  This fuse protects the entire temperature control circuit
(see schematic).  If the fuse will not hold, a short circuit is
indicated.  Disconnect the printed circuit card and replace the
fuse.  If the fuse holds (as indicated by the fan running) the
printed circuit card will have to be replaced.


 Unless competent electronic technicians are available, TAI

recommends that a replacement printed circuit card be ordered
and the existing board returned to the factory for repair.  Repair
charges (out of warrantee) will be based on time and material.
A schematic of the proportional temperature control card is
included among the drawings at the rear of the manual.


If the fuse will not hold with the board removed, a  short  is indi

                          cated in the fan, the heater resistors, or the interconnecting

wiring.  With the board removed, check wiring and components

                      for short circuits.


If the fan is running, connect an AC volt meter across anyone of
the heater resistors on the fan assembly (the meter should be set
to read 50 VAC).  In a properly operating circuit, the meter
should read approximately 47 volts (heater control full on) as the
control panel is open and the thermistor should be demanding
maximum heater voltage.  If no voltage is present, either the
circuit card or the thermistor probe is faulty.  Isolate the problem
by first disconnecting the circuit board from its socket and with
an ohmmeter check between terminals 5 and 6 of terminal strip
TS2.  If a reading is obtained (disregard actual resistance) the
thermistor is intact and a new circuit card will be necessary.  If
no reading is obtained, a new probe assembly will be required.


If approximately 47 VAC is measured across the heater resis-
tors, a runaway, or correct, circuit is indicated.  To determine
which is the case, hold a soldering iron in close proximity (1/2")
to the end of the thermistor probe and observe the meter.

Summary of Contents for 212R


Page 2: ...rts in so far as such alterations do not adversely affect our warranty ImportantNotice This instrument provides measurement readings to its user and serves as a tool by which valuable data can be gathered The information provided by the instrument may assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by his process however it is essential that all personnel involved in the use of the instrum...

Page 3: ...l Output 8 2 2 3 Regulating Transformer 8 2 2 4 Completion Inspection 9 2 3 Gas Requirements Connections 9 2 3 1 Reference Gas 10 2 3 2 Zero Gas 10 2 3 3 Span Gas 10 2 3 4 Installation of Cylinder Supplies 11 2 3 5 Sample Pressure 11 2 3 6 Interconnecting Lines 11 2 3 7 Vent Lines 12 3 Startup 3 1 Preliminary 12 3 2 Reference Gas Flow 13 3 3 Zero Gas Flow 13 3 4 Warmup 13 3 5 Zero Standardization ...

Page 4: ...reliminary Checks 18 6 2 Loss of Zero Control 18 6 2 1 Dynamic Balance Procedure 19 6 3 Correct Operation 20 6 4 Incorrect Operation 21 6 4 1 Analyzer Leak Check 21 6 4 2 Temperature Control Check 22 7 Calibration Data 7 1 Ranges 24 7 2 Output Signal 25 7 3 Span Setting 25 7 4 Recommended Accessory Gases 25 7 4 1 Reference Gas 25 7 4 2 Zero Gas 25 7 4 3 Span Gas 26 Appendix A Recommended 2 Year Sp...

Page 5: ...formed by the center tapped secondary winding of a trans former With reference and zero standardization gas flowing the bridge circuit is balanced at one end of the measurement range A span standardization gas containing a known concentration of the component of interest is then introduced into the sample path and the resulting error signal generated by the now unbalanced bridge circuit is calibra...

Page 6: ...ation ConsiderationofUsingthe212RtoMeasureH2 ormeasureothercompounds in H2 H2 in the gas state can be assume of one tow states para H2 or ortho H2 EachhasitsownThermalConductivityValue Thesedifferbyabout10 fromoneanother Sothismustbetakenintoconsiderationwhenattemptingtousethe212RonH2 streams WewouldrecommendoneconsultWikipedia comorothersourcestolearn moreaboutthesetwostatesofH2andhowthethermalco...

Page 7: ...possible subjecttotheafore mentionedconditions tothesamplepoint Outlinediagramsofbothunitswillbefoundinthedrawingsection After thecutouthasbeenmadeintheequipmentpanel TAIrecommendsthatthe analyzerbeusedasatemplatetolayoutthefourmountingholes Suchaproce durewillcompensateforsheetmetaltoleranceerrors 2 2 Electrical Requirements and Connections Provisionshavebeenmadetoaccommodatethethreeexternalcircu...

Page 8: ...anual andconnectthepowerandgroundwiringasshown Besuretopolarizethe powerserviceconnectionsasindicated Whenconnectingthewires donot leaveanexcessiveamountofslackwithintheanalyzer Twovacuumtubesare locatedjustbelowthewiringareaandthewiringshouldbeinstalledtobewell clearofthem 2 2 2 Signal Output Connectatwoconductorshieldedcablebetweentheanalyzerandrecord ingequipment Besuretoobservetheproperpolarit...

Page 9: ...nged sothattheycanbemanipulatedwithoutdisturbingthedelicatetemperature equilibriumoftheinstrumentinterior 2 3 Gas Requirements and Connections Beforeattemptinginstallationofthesampleandsupportinggaslinesand accessoriesgivecarefulconsiderationtothefollowingimportantinstallation notes Note 1 Itisabsolutelynecessarythatallconnectionsandcomponents inthegascontrolsystemaheadofthemeasuringcellbeleak fre...

Page 10: ...emainunchangedwheninuse NOTE When it becomes necessary to replace the reference gas the analyzer will have to be recalibrated 2 3 2 Zero Gas A supply of gas composed of the background gas of the analysis and the lowest attainable concentration of impurity will be required to standard ize one end of the ranges of interest The composition of the zero gas must be known to the same exactitude expected...

Page 11: ...mustbepurgedbyalterativelypressuringthefirststage withthesecond stageoff thenbleedingoutthefirststagebyopeningthesecondstage backand forth severaltimes Note Make sure to close the cylinder prior to bleeding the first stage through the second 2 3 5 Sample Pressure Thesamplepointshouldbeequippedwithametallicdiaphragmpressure regulatorandthepressurereducedtobetween10and50psig Theregulator shouldbeins...

Page 12: ...ore thannormalbarometricpressurefluctuations 4 Theventlinesmustbeinstalledsothatwateranddustcannotaccu mulate in them Apressuredifferentialexistingatthecellbetweenthereferenceandsample willresultinacorrespondingchangeinoutputsignal Thereferenceandsample pathflowmetersarelocatedupstreamfrom thecellsothatbothcellpathscan ventdirectlytoatmosphere Therandombounceofthefloatsintheflowmeters whenlocatedd...

Page 13: ...evalvetotherightofthe SAMPLEFLOW flowmeterforanindi catedflowrateof0 3scfh 3 4 Warmup Awarm upperiodoftwenty four 24 hoursisrecommendedtostabilize theinterioroftheanalyzeratthecontroltemperaturelevel Untilthemeasuring celltemperaturehasequilibratedwiththecontroltemperature theoutputsignal willdrift Duringthewarmupperiod checktherecorderperiodically Asthedrift rate decreases increase the sensitivit...

Page 14: ...ndsfordoubtingthespangasmixture Becauseofthedifficultyinvolvedin obtainingpreciseanalysisofsmallamountsofimpuritiesincylindergas and becauseoftheeasewithwhichthegascanbecontaminatedsubsequentto analysis anylargeerrorinresponsetothespangasshouldbesuspect Insucha caseTAIrecommendsthattheanalyzerbeoperatedattherecommendedspan settinguntilthespangasisreanalyzed Ifadjustmentofthespancontrolisnecessaryt...

Page 15: ...t the float is visibly elevated from the bottom of the tube and then readjust the sample flowrate to 0 3 scfh No furtheradjustmentsarerequired NOTE Although the bellows type valves used in the input manifold are among the best available TAI suggests that the span gas be turned OFF at the cylinder when not in use and the span line relieved of pressure before closing the analyzer span valve Such a p...

Page 16: ...regulatorisquestionableatpressuresbelowthispoint Whenreplacingsupplycylinders besuretobleedthegasthroughthe cylinder valve while installing the pressure regulator see Section 2 3 4 It is also advisable to check the connections with soap water whenever a supply cylinder is changed 4 3 Standardization Theanalyzermustbecompletelyrestandardizedwheneverthereference gassupplyisreplaced Barringunforeseen...

Page 17: ...gas flowingbesurethattheanalyzerhasstabilizedontheRange 1positionbefore re standardizationisattempted 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING 6 1 Preliminary Iftheanalyzerissuspectedofincorrectoperation asapreliminaryto evaluation always arrange the input manifold so that zero gas is flowing through the sample path of the analyzer Never attempt to evaluate the performance of the instrument with sample gas flowing Anal...

Page 18: ...ldbemadeuntilalltheafore mentionedpreliminarieshavebeencompletedandanynecessaryremedial repairseffected 6 2 Loss of Zero Control IflossofzerocontrolonRange 1isexperiencedduringinitialstartupor afterthereferencegassupplyhasbeenchanged thedynamicbalanceprocedure mustberepeated Lossofzerocontrol undersuchcircumstances indicatesthattheimpurity concentrationwithinthereferencegasisdifferentthanthatofthe...

Page 19: ...g temperature be cause of the inherent thermal junctions within the potentiometers themselves The minute voltages produced by contact between the dissimilar materials within the potentiometers are effectively balanced out in the procedure when it is accomplished at operating temperature Because the voltage generated by these junctions varies with temperature and because the analyzer will resolve a...

Page 20: ...ment turn CW This will bring the signal out of the baseline noise which could otherwise cause non linear response at the low concentration end NOTE Due to minute differences between measuring cells and the electronics in the bridge circuit found in vari ous instruments some analyzers will have to be bal anced at a point higher than 10 of scale while others can be balanced even closer to electrical...

Page 21: ...ulting signaldriftwouldbeerraticandcouldbeeitherbi directionalor unidirectional 4 Acidinthesamplingsystem solderingfluxes willproducecontinu ous uncontrollable unidirectional output signal drift Sample tubing that has been treated with descaling chemicals if subject to above ambient temperatures will outgas continuously Any form of acid in the sampling system will outgas at high temperatures and a...

Page 22: ...ium flowing Keep the flowrate low so as not to disturbthetemperatureequilibriumoftheanalyzerinterior 4 Observe the recorder If any leaks are present in the interior sampling system the recorder will be driven off scale in one direction or the other NOTE The analyzer should be on Range 1 and the zero control adjusted so that the recorder is reading mid scale The direction the recorder indication mo...

Page 23: ...ol card is included among the drawings at the rear of the manual 2 Ifthefusewillnotholdwiththeboardremoved a short isindi cated in the fan the heater resistors or the interconnecting wiring Withtheboardremoved checkwiringandcomponents for short circuits 3 Ifthefanisrunning connectanACvoltmeteracrossanyoneof the heater resistors on the fan assembly the meter should be set to read 50 VAC In a proper...

Page 24: ...diately After the area around the thermistor cools the voltage across the heater resistors should again climb to 47 volts Such action indicates a properly functioning heater circuit If the meter stays in the 47 volt region the circuit card will have to be replaced 7 0 CALIBRATION DATA FOR MODEL 212R SERIAL NUMBER 195929 7 1 Ranges Therangesoftheanalyzerare RangeSwitchPosition 1 0 50 000 ppm N2 in ...

Page 25: ...equivalentimpurityoflessthan3 ofrange1 Theimpurityratio mustremainconstant Whenthereferencegassupplyisreplaced theanalyzer mustbere standardized 7 4 2 Zero Gas Becauseofthedifficultiesinvolvedinobtainingagasinpureform thezero gasmustbepurchasedfromasupplierwhowillcertifythecylinderastoits content Theequivalentimpurityconcentrationofthegasmustbelessthan3 ofrange1 Whenthezerogasisintroducedforstanda...

Page 26: ...dSampleFlowrates 0 3SCFH Bypass Flowrate 3 0 SCFH NOTE Cylinder and sample stream pressure settings must be adjusted in order to maintain the above flowrates when switching from one sample to another RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST QUANTITY PART NO DESCRIPTION 1 A 6251 MeasuringCellBlockAssembly 1 A 6981 ProportionalTemperatureControl 1 F 45 SampleFlowmeterTube 1 F 22 SampleFlowmeterBypassTube Aminim...

Page 27: ...56 Outline Diagram D 73212 Final Assembly A 72035 Piping Diagram C 73085 Main PCB Schematic C 73088 Power Supply PCB Schematic Replacement Parts Order Information A minimum charge of 150 00 is application to all spare parts orders Important Ordersforreplacementpartsshouldincludetheart number ifavailable andthemodelandserialnumberoftheinstrument forwhichthepartisintended TeledyneAnalyticalInstrumen...

Page 28: ...l Range ID LED S Detector Thermal conductivity sensor Signal Output 0 1VDC negative ground 4 20maDC Isolated ground Accuracy 2 fullscaleformost binarymixture atconstanttemperature 5 ofFull Scaleoveroperatingtemperature once temperatureequilibriumhasbeen achieved Operating Temperature 20 30 C 68 F to 85 F Sample Requirement Sample 0 3SCFH Reference 0 1SCFH Display DigitalLEDreadout 3 Digit Mounting...
