Installation for PCIe Applications
Follow the procedure below when installing a Summit Z5 Exerciser and a Summit Z5 Controller for PCIe applications:
If you are testing a device other than a CEM based DUT, the installation steps are similar but the support bracket, controller,
exerciser and DUT face to the right.
Remove six large thumbscrews attached to the left side of the PXP500 Test Platform and position the PCIe Device
Support Bracket over the left side of the test platform. Then install and secure the Support bracket using six large
Install and secure the controller bracket into the PXP500 Test Platform using 4 Phillips head screws.
Position the Summit Z5 Controller, the Summit Z5 Exerciser and the DUT over the PXP500 Test Platform.
Plug the Summit Z5 Controller board into its bracket, plug the Summit Z5 Exerciser board into its slot near the control-
ler and plug the DUT board into the CEM slot. Secure the Exerciser and the DUT boards with a small thumbscrew to
attach it to the PCIe Device Support Bracket.
Attach the ribbon cable between the Summit Z5 Controller board and the Summit Z5 Exerciser board.
Note: See the Summit Z5 Exerciser documentation for more details on installation and connectivity.
Unpacking the Test Platform
Inspect the received shipping container for any damage. Unpack the container and account for each of the system
components listed on the accompanying packing list. Visually inspect each component for absence of damage.
In the event of damage, notify the shipper and Teledyne LeCroy. Retain all shipping materials for shipper’s inspection.