© 2013 Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized duplication of Teledyne LeCroy documentation materials other than for internal sales and
distribution purposes is strictly prohibited. However, clients are encouraged to distribute and duplicate Teledyne
LeCroy documentation for their own internal educational purposes.
WaveSurfer, WaveRunner, WavePro
and Teledyne LeCroy are registered trademarks of Teledyne LeCroy, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product or brand names are trademarks or
requested trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier versions.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Teledyne Lecroy warrants this oscilloscope accessory for normal use and operation within specification for a period
of one year from the date of shipment. Spare parts, replacement parts and repairs are warranted for 90 days.
In exercising its warranty, Teledyne Lecroy, at its option, will either repair or replace any assembly returned within
its warranty period to the Customer Service Department or an authorized service center. However, this will be
done only if the product is determined by Teledyne Lecroy’s examination to be defective due to workmanship or
materials, and the defect is not caused by misuse, neglect, accident, abnormal conditions of operation, or damage
resulting from attempted repair or modifications by a non-authorized service facility.
The customer will be responsible for the transportation and insurance charges for the return of products to the
service facility. Teledyne Lecroy will return all products under warranty with transportation charges prepaid.
This warranty replaces all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty
of merchantability, fitness or adequacy for any particular purposes or use. Teledyne Lecroy shall not be liable for
any special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether in contract or otherwise.
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