5.3.1 Programming the Memory Dialing Keys Through
the Concealed STORE Key
The speed dial keys can be programmed not only through
the configuration portal (as described by subsection 3.2.3)
but also through the concealed
key is concealed to deter unauthorized tampering.
With the clear plastic overlay and faceplate removed from the
phone, locate the
key as noted in the phone diagram
(Fig. 1). This recessed key is located above number ‘3’ on the
dial keypad. To program an auto-dial key:
1. Press the recessed
key and release it.
2. Enter the number or extension to be programmed.
3. Press the auto-dial key where the number is to
be stored.
4. Repeat the procedure as needed for additional
auto dial keys.
5.3.2 Configure the Timed Pause for the Speed Dial
key can be used to provide a timed pause
between dialed digits within a stored auto dial number.
The timing of the pause is programmable, with the factory
default set to one second. To change the pause timing:
1. Press the
key (see Fig. 1).
2. Press the
key (see Fig. 1).
3. Press a number from 0 to 5 on the dial keypad.
The number selected will be the pause timing in
seconds (for example: pressing the ‘3’ key will insert
a 3-second pause).
4. Press the
key. The selected pause time is now
inserted into the dialing string.
5.3.3 Using the Speed Dial Keys
To place a call using the speed dialing feature, lift the
handset out of the cradle, or press the
key, then
press the desired speed dial key. The DTMF dialing tones will
be heard as the call is placed. Alternatively, you may press
the desired speed dial key, then lift the handset (or press the
key) and the number will be dialed, as in
5.4 Three-Way Conference Calls
The SIP ND1200 series supports three-way conference calling.
key allows the user to include two other parties in
a three-way conversation.
Initiating a Three-Way Conference Call
1. Place or receive the first call.
2. Press
3. Dial the third party, and wait for them to answer.
4. Press
again to join all three callers.
5. To disconnect the third party and return to a two-party
call, press
5.5 Using Voice Mail
5.5.1 Message Waiting
If the red message waiting indicator is flashing slowly, voice
mail messages are waiting to be retrieved.
5.5.2 Retrieving Messages
Press the
key. The speakerphone will be activated
(unless the handset is off-hook) and the phone calls the
voice mail server. Follow the voice prompts for entering
your password, listening to, saving and deleting messages.
When all unheard messages have been listened to or
deleted, the message waiting light will turn off.
Message waiting number must be pre-configured
before using this feature. (Refer to subsection 3.2.2)
6. Care and Troubleshooting
Your Teledex SIP ND1200 series IP phone will provide years
of trouble-free service, particularly if it is maintained in an
indoor office environment.
6.1 Cleaning the SIP ND1200 Series
Dust or deposited materials caused by normal handling of
the phone handset or base should be removed occasionally
to ensure optimal performance. Use a soft cloth moistened
with water to wipe the plastic exterior parts.
Do not use solvents, powders or spray
cleansers that may leak into the electronic components
and cause damage.
6.2 In Case of Trouble
If the SIP ND1200 series does not seem to function as
expected, there are several troubleshooting techniques
that may be tried before calling the network administrator.
6.2.1 Disconnect From the Network
Unplug the network cable from the wall jack. Wait at least
fifteen (15) seconds, then plug the cable back into the same
jack. The phone will attempt to re-establish contact with the
IP-PBX. In many cases, this will restore normal operation.
Risk of electrical shock! Dangerous voltages may
be present on the exposed terminals of the network patch
cable after it is plugged into the network wall jack.
6.2.2 Disconnect the PC
If there is a PC or other network device connected to the port
on the side of the phone, disconnect the cable to the PC or
device from the base, then perform the actions from section
6.2.1 (Disconnect From the Network).
6.2.3 Check the Cords and Cables
If the previous two steps do not solve the problem, all of
the cords and cables (including handset cord and headsets)
should be disconnected, inspected for dirt or corrosion,
and reconnected.