Important information for proper antenna tracking
Before performing antenna tracking operation, make sure you have positioned your vehicle
so that the view towards the South (where Satellite signals come from) is free from any nearby
obstacle (trees, houses, etc.). This way, the antenna will be free to receive signals coming
from the satellite.
1) It is also important to know that satellites do not transmit with the same intensity throughout
Europe, so if you are outside the reception area, your Motosat search might be unsuccessful.
2) The reception areas for each Satellite can be found on the main magazines dealing in this
line of business. Also remember that the larger the dish, the more reception area is available
3) Make sure that the vehicle battery is sufficiently charged, if the voltage drops below 11.5
volts the electronic circuit protection prevents MotoSat antenna to move.
Switch DSF80E off by setting its
switch to the position "OFF"
If the power switch is not set to
OFF, no signal will reach the
satellite receiver and not TV
picture can be viewed.