This setting option allows users to set the image
640 x 480
1280 x 960
2048 x 1536 (3.0M)
2592 x 1944 (5.0M) (Default)
3072 x 2304
4032 x 3024 (12.0M)
4000 x 4000
Picture frame
Use this option to add a picture frame to your pictures
when they are taken. There are 16 picture frames to
choose from.
Date Stamp
Use this option to set the date stamp shown on the
No stamp
Only date
Only time
Date and time
White balance
Normally, the "Auto" WB setting will set the optimum
white balance automatically. If natural colors cannot be
obtained by auto WB, you can set the white balance
manually to suit the particular light source. Users can
select from the following white balance settings:
Auto (Default)