Tektronix, Inc.
Beaverton, OR 97077
P6243 or P6245
Connect the probe tip to the short pin and the
probe ground to the long pin as shown.
P6246, P6247, P6248, or P7330
Connect the probe + input to the signal pin and
the probe -- input to the ground pin as shown.
There is no connection to the probe ground input.
P6249 or P7240
Connect the probe tip to the short pin and the
probe ground to the long pin as shown.
Snap the current probe closed around the current
loop as shown. Be sure to align the polarity arrows
on the current probe and the fixture.
Remove the small jumper on the A side of the
fixture. Slip the CT-6 probe head over the
outboard pin, and then replace the jumper.
After you are finished with this probe, be sure to
replace the small jumper.
Using the Fixture
Do these steps to use the fixture. For best results,
warm up the oscilloscope for 20 minutes before
performing these functions.
Low Frequency Compensation
1. Connect fixture to the oscilloscope.
2. Connect one probe to the fixture.
3. Push the
button on oscilloscope.
4. Optimize the adjustment on the probe
compensation box for best square corner.
5. Remove the connections.
Optimize Gain and Offset Accuracy
1. Connect the A side of the fixture to the
2. Remove the small jumper from the fixture.
3. Connect one probe to the A side of the fixture.
4. Touch the
button or use the
menu to display the vertical control window.
5. Touch the Probe
button to display the
vertical probe cal control window.
6. Select the oscilloscope channel to which the
probe is attached.
7. Touch the
Calibrate Probe
8. When the routine is finished, remove the
connections and replace the small jumper.
Compensate Probe Timing (Deskew)
1. Connect fixture to the oscilloscope.
2. Connect up to four probes to the fixture.
3. Display all channels that you want to deskew.
4. Push the
button on oscilloscope.
5. Adjust vertical
, and
(with active probes adjusting
may be
required) for each channel so that the signals
overlap and are centered on screen.
6. Adjust horizontal
so that a
triggered rising edge is at center screen.
7. Adjust horizontal
so that the
differences in the channel delays are clearly
8. Adjust horizontal
again so that
the first rising edge is exactly at center screen.
The fastest probe is connected to this channel.
(The fastest probe is probably the one with the
shortest cable or the highest bandwidth.)
9. Touch the
button or use the
menu to display the vertical control window.
10. Touch the Probe
button to display the
channel-deskew control window.
11. Select one of the slower channels.
If possible, do the next step at a signal
amplitude within the same attenuator range
(vertical scale) as your planned signal
measurements. Any change to the vertical
scale after deskew is complete may introduce
a new attenuation level (you can generally
hear attenuator settings change) and
therefore a slightly different signal path. This
different path may cause a 200 ps variation
in timing accuracy between channels.
12. Adjust the deskew time for that channel so
that its signal aligns with that of the fastest
13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each additional
channel that you want to deskew.
14. Remove the connections.