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VX4101A Multipaq

 Instrument Reference


TRIGger Subsystem



:DELay <delay in seconds>
:COUNt <count>
:ECOunt <triggers to count>
:SOURce <source>







Summary of Contents for MultiPaq VX4101A

Page 1: ...Reference VX4101A Multipaq Instrument 071 0050 00 This document applies to firmware version 2 00 and above ...

Page 2: ...chnical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252 227 7013 or subparagraphs c 1 and 2 of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52 227 19 as applicable Tektronix products are covered by U S and foreign patents issued and pending Information in this publication supercedes that in all previously published material Specifications and price change privileges reserved Pri...

Page 3: ...use being blown results in the LED turning OFF Fail LED This LED is normally OFF During power on or reset self test the LED will be ON for the duration of the test If the VX4101A detects a failure during normal operation the LED will come ON and the SYSFAIL line on the backplane will be true Message This LED flickers ON when the VX4101A is being addressed on the VME backplane by its commander ERR ...

Page 4: ...iple data parameters are separated by a comma H White space characters exclude the LF White space is allowed anywhere in a command string except within a program mnemonic around a separator between a mnemonic and a following an within a number within a list H A question mark following a command indicates a response is to be returned All responses from the module are terminated with the LF Numeric ...

Page 5: ... ROSCillator CLEar MANual frequency INSTrument Subsystem Commands INSTrument NSELect instrument id INSTrument SELect instrument name Queries INSTrument CATalog FULL LONG INSTrument COUNt INSTrument NSELect INSTrument SELect OUTput Subsystem Commands OUTPut EXTernal SOURce ext source OUTPut TTLTrg N SOURce trig source Queries OUTPut EXTernal SOURce CATalog OUTPut EXTernal SOURce OUTPut TTLTrg N SOU...

Page 6: ...Tem RQUeue QMODe qmode SNUMber SET snumber SNUMber STATe state SYSTem TIMeout timeout in seconds Queries SYSTem ERRor SYSTem LANGuage SYSTem OPTions DESCription option code SYSTem READy SYSTem RQUeue QMODe SNUMber SET SNUMber STATe SYSTem SNUMber SYSTem TIMeout SYSTem VERSion TRIGger Subsystem Commands TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer FIRe command trigger TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer TIMer timer sec...

Page 7: ...COunt event delay IMMediate LEVel threshold MODE mode SLOPe slope SOURce source ARM SEQuence2 STOP LAYer DELay time delay ECOunt event delay IMMediate SOURce source Queries ARM SEQuence1 STARt LAYer DELay ECOunt LEVel MODE SLOPe SOURce CATalog ALL DELayable FIXed ARM SEQuence2 STOP LAYer DELay ECOunt SOURce CATalog ALL DELayable FIXed ...

Page 8: ...TRANsform HISTogram RANGe min max CALCulate TRANsform HISTogram RANGe AUTO ON OFF Queries CALCulate AVERage count offset step_size CALCulate LIMit ENVelope FCOunt LOWer DATA REPort DATA UPPER DATA CALCulate MEDian count offset step_size CALCulate MINimum count offset step_size CALCulate MAXimum count offset step_size CALCulate SDEViation count offset step_size CALCulate TRANsform HISTogram ABOVe B...

Page 9: ...Librate Subsystem Commands CALibrate ARM VALue arm input voltage CALibrate channel DELay cross channel specifications HYSTeresis LFCOmp LINearity VALue input voltage ZERO CALibrate DTI CALibrate3 BIAS CALibrate 1 2 3 ROSCillator input frequency ...

Page 10: ...RISE TIME FALL TIME array size low reference high reference expected value resolution TINTerval array size expected value resolution VOLTage AC array size expected value resolution DC array size expected value resolution MINimum array size expected value resolution MAXimum array size expected value resolution PTPeak array size expected value resolution CONFigure 1 2 11 12 21 22 SCALar ARRay TINTer...

Page 11: ...y FREQuency RATio FTIMe count NDUTycycle PDUTycycle NWIDth PWIDth PHASe PERiod RISE TIME RTIMe TINTerval TINTerval DELay FETCh COUNt FETCh TOTalize FETCh VOLTage AC DC MINimum MAXimum PTPeak INITiate Subsystem Commands INITiate IMMediate INITiate CONTinuous ON OFF 0 1 Queries INITiate CONTinuous ...

Page 12: ...AXimum STATe filter state GAIN gain DEFault MINimum MAXimum IMPedance impedance DEFault OFFSet ABSolute absolute offset DEFault MINimum MAXimum RELative relative offset SETup expected ptp expected offset INPut SETup AUTO auto Queries INPut 1 2 ATTenuation DEFault MINimum MAXimum COMParator 1 2 LEVel LEVEL ABSolute DEFault MINimum MAXimum RELative HYSTeresis ABSolute DEFault MINimum MAXimum RELativ...

Page 13: ...ay size expected value resolution RTIMe FTIMe RISE TIME FALL TIME array size low reference high reference expected value resolution TINTerval array size expected value resolution VOLTage AC array size expected value resolution DC array size expected value resolution MINimum array size expected value resolution MAXimum array size expected value resolution PTPeak array size expected value resolution...

Page 14: ...VX4101A Multipaq Instrument Reference 12 OUTPut Subsystem Commands OUTPut TRIGger SOURce channel count Queries OUTPut TRIGger SOURce READ Subsystem Queries READ ...

Page 15: ... PHASe PWIDth RISE TIME RTIMe TINTerval VOLTage AC VOLTage DC VOLTage MINimum VOLTage MAXimum VOLTage PTPeak SENSe 1 2 11 12 21 22 FUNCtion TINTerval DELay TIME TINTerval DELay EVENts SENSe 1 2 10 20 FUNCtion TOTalize SENSe TINTerval DELay EVENts events MINimum MAXimum DEFault SENSE TINTerval DELay TIME time DEFault MINimum MAXimum Queries SENSe APERture DEFault MINimum MAXimum SENSe COUNt DEFault...

Page 16: ...ds SOURce COSCillator SOURce source Queries SOURce COSCillator SOURce SOURce COSCillator VALue STATus Subsystem Queries STATus OPERation CONDition TEST Subsystem Queries TEST ALL UNIT Subsystem Commands UNIT ANGLeDEGree RADian MINimum CENTer AUTo Queries UNIT ANGLe ...

Page 17: ...ted voltage_threshold numeric_port_list DIBit NORMal voltage_threshold channel_bit_list INVerted voltage_threshold channel_bit_list CONFigure ARRay DIGLobal NORMal repetitions voltage_threshold INVerted repetitions voltage_threshold DIPort NORMal repetitions voltage_threshold numer ic_port_list INVerted repetitions voltage_threshold numeric_port_list DIBit NORMal repetitions voltage_threshold chan...

Page 18: ...bsystem Queries FETCh count offset step_size FETCh COUNt FORMat Subsystem Commands FORMat DATA format Queries FORMat DATA INITiate Subsystem Commands INITiate IMMediate control INSTrument Subsystem Commands INSTrument ABORt IMMediate INSTrument RESet ...

Page 19: ...Mal voltage_threshold numeric_port_list INVerted voltage_threshold numeric_port_list MEASure ARRay DIGLobal NORMal repetitions voltage_threshold INVerted repetitions voltage_threshold DIPort NORMal repetitions voltage_threshold numer ic_port_list INVerted repetitions voltage_threshold numer ic_port_list DIBit NORMal repetitions voltage_threshold channel_bit_list INVerted repetitions voltage_thresh...

Page 20: ...ENABle DISable channel_bit_list numeri cal_bit_mask DIGLobal NORMal ENABle DISable INVerted ENABle DISable DIPort NORMal ENABle DISable port list INVerted ENABle DISable port list SENSe SRATe sample rate SENSe THReshold voltage_threshold Queries SENSe ARRay SENSe MODE SENSe PSELect SENSe SRATe SENSe THReshold STATus Subsystem Queries STATus OPERation CONDition TEST Subsystem Queries TEST ALL ...

Page 21: ...IGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer IMMediate TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer MODE mode TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce source Queries TRIGger MASK TRIGger MATCh TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer DELay TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer ECOunt TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer HANDshake POLarity REQuest STRobe TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer MODE TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOUR...

Page 22: ... INITiate CONTinuous control IMMediate Queries INITiate CONTinuous INSTrument Subsystem Commands INSTrument ABORt IMMediate COMPlete INSTrument RESet OUTPut Subsystem Commands OUTPut LEVel voltage level OUTPut TRIGger SOURce source Queries OUTPut LEVel OUTPut TRIGger SOURce STATus Subsystem Queries STATus OPERation CONDition TEST Subsystem Queries TEST ALL ...

Page 23: ...ELay time delay TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer ECOunt event delay TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer HANDshake POLarity REQuest polarity STRobe polarity TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer IMMediate TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer MODE mode TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce source Queries TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer DELay TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer ECOunt TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer HANDshake POLarity...

Page 24: ...ands FORMat DATA format Queries FORMat DATA INITiate Subsystem Commands INITiate CONTinuous 0 OFF 1 ON IMMediate Queries INITiate CONTinuous INSTrument Subsystem Commands INSTrument ABORt IMMediate COMPlete INSTrument RESet OUTPut Subsystem Commands OUTPut TRIGger SOURce trigger source Queries OUTPut TRIGger SOURce STATus Subsystem Queries STATus OPERation CONDition TEST Subsystem Queries TEST ALL...

Page 25: ... TRIGger COUNt count TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer DELay time delay TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer ECOunt event delay TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer HANDshake POLarity REQuest polarity STRobe polarity TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer IMMediate TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer MODE mode TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce source Queries TRIGger COUNt TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer DELay TRIGger SEQuence1 S...

Page 26: ... CLOSe channel number VXI SERVant FDC OPEN channel mode channel number VXI SERVant FDC SEL channel number VXI SERVant FDC BUFFer buffer length channel number Queries VXI SERVant FDC VXI SERVant FDC CONFiguration channel number VXI SERVant FDC SEL VXI SERVant FDC BUFFer channel number ...

Page 27: ...STogram RANGe min max CALCulate TRANsform HISTogram RANGe AUTO ON OFF Queries CALCulate AVERage count offset step_size CALCulate LIMit ENVelope DATA CALCulate LIMit FCOunt CALCulate LIMit LOWer DATA CALCulate LIMit REPort DATA CALCulate LIMit UPPer DATA CALCulate MEDian count offset step_size CALCulate MINimum count offset step_size CALCulate MAXimum count offset step_size CALCulate SDEViation cou...

Page 28: ...esolution ACDC array size Expected Value Resolution DC array size Expected Value Resolution CURRent DC array size Expected Value Resolution RESistance array size Expected Value Resolution FRESistance array size Expected Value Resolution Queries CONFigure FETCh Subsystem Queries FETCh Count Offset Step Size FETCh COUNt INITiate Subsystem Commands INITiate IMMediate INITiate CONTinuous Boolean Queri...

Page 29: ...Value Resolution ACDC Array Size Expected Value Resolution DC Array Size Expected Value Resolution CURRent DC Array Size Expected Value Resolution RESistance Array Size Expected Value Resolution FRESistance Array Size Expected Value Resolution NOTE If SCALar is specified the array size is not valid If ARRay is specified array size is a required parameter READ Subsystem Queries READ ...

Page 30: Line Cycles RESolution Expected Resolution COUNt Array Size SENSe CURRent DC RANGe UPPer Input Current Range AUTO auto APERture Aperture Value RPSecond Readings Second NPLCycles Number of Power Line Cycles RESolution Expected Resolution COUNt Array Size SENSe RESistance FRESistance RANGe UPPer Input Resistance Range AUTO Boolean ONCE APERture Aperture Value RPSecond Readings Second NPLCycles Nu...

Page 31: ...diate TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer MODE mode TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce source Queries TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer DELay TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer ECOunt TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer HANDshake POLarity REQuest STRobe TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer MODE TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce CATAlog ALL TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer SOURce CATalog...

Page 32: ...OSe channel list ROUTe OPEN channel list Queries ROUTe CLOSe STATe STATus Subsystem Queries STATus OPERation CONDition SurePath Commands INITiate Subsystem Commands INITiate CONTinuous 0 OFF 1 ON IMMediate Queries INITiate CONTinuous INSTrument Subsystem Commands INSTrument ABORt INSTrument RESet ...

Page 33: ..._name section_list ROUTe MODule DELete NAME module_name DELete ALL DEFine module_name nrf ROUTe OPEN ALL module_name DWELl channel_list ROUTe PFAil action_at_powefail ROUTe SCAN channel_list RATE scan_rate module_name Queries ROUTe CLOSe channel_list ROUTe ID ROUTe MODule DEFine module_name ROUTe OPEN channel_list ROUTe MODule CATalog ROUTe MODule CATalog SUPPorted STATus Subsystem Queries STATus ...

Page 34: Subsystem Commands TRIGger SEQuence STARt LAYer DELay delay in seconds COUNt count ECOunt triggers to count IMMediate SOURce source Queries TRIGger SEQuence1 STARt LAYer COUNt DELay ECOunt MODE SOURce CATalog ALL CATalog DELayable CATalog FIXed ...

Page 35: ...of the Event Status Register IDN Identification Query Returns a four field response OPC Operation Complete command controls setting the OPC bit in the ESR OPC Operation Complete query puts a 1 in the output queue when all pending operations have been completed RST Reset Resets the module to its power on state SRE Service Request Enable SRE register defines the mask for generating VXI Request True ...

Page 36: ...formation on all instruments Commands STATus PRESet STATus OPERation ENABle NTRansition PTRansition STATus QUEue ENABle numeric list STATus QUEStionable ENABle NTRansition Queries STATus PRESet STATus OPERation PTRansition STATus QUEue ENABle NEXT STATus QUEStionable EVENt CONDition ENABle NTRansition PTRansition ...
