Model 8020-SHV
071321600 / October 2014
Cable connections
Use the following cable to connect to this card:
Model 2290-5-SHV
Any compatible SHV connector or cable
Electrical characteristics
The following characteristics apply when used with the Model 8020:
Voltage: 3070 V maximum
Connector current, fuse installed: 1.5 A DC, 10 A pulsed, 1 ms at 2.2 percent duty cycle
Connector current, fuse removed: 1 A DC, no pulsing
Connector types: SHV coaxial
Fuse: 10 A, 32 V, MINI® blade style
Figure 3: Connector conductors when installed in the HV and 2600/4200 channels of the Model 8020
Figure 4: Connector conductors when installed in the Model 8020 Common LO, SLO channel