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Summary of Contents for 7A16P

Page 1: ...Beaverton Oregon 97077 Serial Nu mber _ COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE CK FOR CHANGE INFORMATION h J CT O MANUAL 070 2308 00 First Printi ng MAY 1978 Product Group 45 Revised JUL 1983 All manuals and user gu...

Page 2: ...cation and price change privileges are reserved Each instrument has serial num ber on panel insert tag or stamped on the chassis The first number or letter designates the country of manufacture The la...

Page 3: ...50 Ohm Swi tc h 2 3 AC GND DC Switches 2 3 POSITION Cont ro l 2 4 VARIABLE CAL IN Cont ro l 2 4 GAI N Adjustment 2 4 BANDWIDTH Switch 2 4 PO LA RITY Swi tch 2 4 VO LTS DIV Swi tches 2 5 IDENTIFY Swi...

Page 4: ...l e Length 3 4 Electrical Spec ifi cat i ons 3 4 Bus Signal Lines 3 5 Data Bu s 3 5 Trans fer Bu s 3 5 Management Bu s 3 6 Bus Messages 3 8 7 16 Interface Funct ion Subsets 3 10 Source Handshake 3 10...

Page 5: ...l t ipl e Sets 3 20 Messages wi t h Mul t ipl e Que ries 3 21 Th e SET Q ue ry 3 22 Messages wi t h Sets and Que ries 3 22 Que ry Res po nses 3 23 Low Leve l Messages 3 24 Set Messages 3 25 Query Mess...

Page 6: ...ment 4 7 Visual C heck 4 7 Chec k Instrumen t P e rfo rmance 4 7 Check Vol tages 4 7 Trace the Signal 4 7 Check Individual Compone nts 4 Repair and Readj ust the Circ ui t 4 9 Specifi c Troubleshootin...

Page 7: ...r Amplifier 5 5 Low Impedance A ttenuator 5 5 Amplifier 5 6 Polarity Amplifier 5 6 2 Gain Amplifier 5 6 Gain Amplifier 5 7 Positioning Circuit 5 7 Signal Splitter 5 8 Microprocessor System 5 9 MPU and...

Page 8: ...ed ur e 6 5 Checking Front Pane l Funct i ons and Readout 5 Checking Ba lance 6 6 Checki ng Gain 6 6 C hec ki ng Rise Time 6 6 C hec king Bandwidth 6 7 Calibrat i on Procedure 6 8 Pre liminary Procedu...

Page 9: ...ment in an area where flammable gases or fumes are present Such operation could cause an explosion Electrical shock hazards are present in this instrument The protective instrument covers must not be...

Page 10: ...mnemonics is provid ed in thi s section The second divi s ion o f t he manual service port ion beg in s with sect ion on prevent ive and co rrect iv e maintenance Included in thi s sect i on are some...

Page 11: ...The 7 16 Programmable Amplifier All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m...

Page 12: ...r ogrammabl e mainframe having reado ut di s play capabili t y All funct ion s o f th e 7A16P can be remotely programmed wi th the except ion o f the VARIABLE an d GA IN cont rol s and the probe IDENT...

Page 13: ...h GAIN ad j usted at 10 mV div 50 ohm input 200 M Hz in 7900 Se ri es pr ogrammabl e mainfr ame 1 Megohm input 150 MHz in 7900 Seri es programmable ma infr am e 50 ohm input 1 8 nanoseco nds i n 7900...

Page 14: ...7 16 INSTRUCTION TABLE 1 1 cont SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 250 V DC peak AC AC component 500 V maximum 1 kHz or less 500 V DC peak AC AC component 500 V maximum 1 kHz or less 0 5 division or less when...

Page 15: ...ess wh en swi tc hed between UP and INV 0 5 divi s i on or less wh en swi tc hed betwee n FULL and 20 MHz De fl ects t race 0 2 to 0 4 divi si ons At least 10 divisions to at least 10 divi sio ns fr...

Page 16: recover to wi thin 1 division of baseline after remo val of overdriv e sig nal Overdrive occur s when the foll owing peak amplitud es are exceeded 2 o r l ess up to 200 MHz 2 or less up to 200 MHz...

Page 17: ...controllab l e only from the front pane l When the 7 16 is set to Remote mode howev e r the front panel is rendered ino pe rat iv e except for three non programmable functions VARIABLE GAIN and IDENT...

Page 18: ...ting of the previously pr essed button and selects the new sett ing Fo r exampl e if GND has been pr essed or remotely set as ind icated by the light ing of the GND button pr ess ing the AC button wil...

Page 19: ...RIABLE control can be continuou sly vari ed over i ts entire range and is o perat ive only when in the extended unlatched posi t i on In Remote mode the setti ng o f the VARIABLE control can not be re...

Page 20: ...UT Impedance 1 Megohm 50 ohm s INPUT Coupling AC GND DC VOLTS DIV 4 POS ITION Control VARIABLE Control l GA IN Adj ustment Probe_Attenuation _ Plug in Type3 7 16 INSTRUCTION TABLE 1 5 LIST OF 7A16P FU...

Page 21: ...d IEEE 488 in te rface ar e controlled by mic ro processo r system in the plug in The heart o f thi s system is Motorola 6800 Micro processing Unit MPU control pr ogram resident in 4 1 1024 bytes of R...

Page 22: ...Fig 1 1 Block diagram of the 7A16P 1 11 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 23: withou t damage b ut is recommended for use only in 7000 Series programmab l e mainfr ames It is prim arily inte nded fo r use in vert ical plug in compa r tme nts CAUTION Al ways t urn off the ma...

Page 24: ...Fig 2 1 Fron t panel of the 7116 2 2 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 25: ...put Sel ects an amplifier input impedance o f e i the r 1 Megohm or 50 ohms When lit it se l ects 50 ohms when unlit it sel ects 1 Mego hm These thr ee swi tc hes select one of the fo llowing input co...

Page 26: ...ocal to Remote mode the VARIABLE cont rol i s au tomat i cal ly set to OFF so t hat the verti cal sca l e factors are cal ibrated 1 D GAIN Adj ustment front panel scr ewdriver adj ustment that can var...

Page 27: ...hec king the basic operat ion o f the inst rument Re fer to the desc ript ion o f t he cont rols connectors and ind i cators whil e pe rfo rming thi s proced ur e If performing the funtional check pro...

Page 28: ...TION control so that the trace is vertically centered on the CRT graticule 2 Connect 0 4 volt 1 kilohertz square wave to input connector Input connector is automatically selected during the power up s...

Page 29: ...cont rol to t he exte nded o r unca librated posit ion Not ice that th e s ize of the di s pl aye d sig nal decreases as the VARIABLE control is turne d co un te rc l oc kwi se The CRT readou t will d...

Page 30: ...vertical deflection should be exactly four divisions if 1 probe or no probe is being used If necessary ad j ust the front panel GAIN for exactly four divisions Input Coupling General Operating Inform...

Page 31: ...nd set fully counterclockwise the uncalibrated deflection factor is extended to at least 2 5 times the attenuator setting By applying calibrated voltage source to the INPUT connector any specific defl...

Page 32: ...making spec ific measur em en ts Peak to Peak Voltage Measure 7 16 IN STRUC TION ents AC To make peak to peak vo l tage measurements use the fo llowing procedur e 1 A pply the signal to the se l ected...

Page 33: ...ncluding the trace width Check t hat the VARIABLE control is in the CAL position 7 16 INSTRUCTION NOTE This technique can also be used to make measurements between two points on the waveform rather th...

Page 34: ...probe attenuato r factor To measur e t he DC lev el at given po in t on wav e fo rm proceed as fo llows 1 Connect the s ig nal to the selected input conn ecto r 2 Se l ect VOLT S DIV sett ing that dis...

Page 35: ...grounded to reduce electrical shock hazard 5 Set t he t ime base Triggering contro ls fo r stable d i s pla y Set the time base swee p rate fo r an opt imum d i s play o f the wave form 6 Measur e the...

Page 36: ...some applicat ions it may be desirable to estab li sh uni ts o f measurement other than those indicated by the VOLTS DIV swi tches Thi s is particularly use ful wh e n comparing unknown signa l s to...

Page 37: ...i t r ary v e r t i cal defl ect i on factor t hat allows th e ampli t ud e of an unknown s ignal to be measur ed accur atel y at any VOLTS DIV setting the am plitude o f t he re ference signal must...

Page 38: ...AMPLE Assume re ference s ignal amplitude of 30 vol ts VO LTS DIV sett ing of 5V and the VARIABLE control ad j usted to provid e vert ica l d e fl ect i on of fo ur divisions Subst i t ut ing these va...

Page 39: ...the VARIABLE and GAIN cont ro l s and the pr obe IDENTIF Y swi tch these are the only non programmable fun ct i o ns on the 7 16 The status o f the probe IDENTIFY switch can be read howev e r Afte r...

Page 40: ...te serial by an asynchronous handshake The handshake signals guarantee that each data byte has been t ransferred properly before allowing another byte to be transferred across the bus This allows inst...

Page 41: ...ogrammable Digitizer which may either talk or listen CP1164CONTROLLER ABLE TO TA LK L13 AND CONTROL REV JUL 1983 7 16 INSTRUCTION 3 3 7912AD PROG RAMMAG LE DIGITIZER ABLE To TA LK AN D L ISTE N D101 D...

Page 42: ...e b etween the IEEE 488 bus and the plug ins Secondary addresses are used for the plug ins More than half of the main devices connected at any time must be powered up for the system to be operational...

Page 43: executed between the talker and all designated listeners each time byte is transferred over the Data Bus This handshake sequence prevents the talker from placing new byte on the bus until the slow...

Page 44: ...MSG DEVICE DEPE NDENT MSG F ig 3 2 typical handshake sequence Th e Management Bus is group of signal lines used to cont rol data tran s fer s ov e r t he Data Bus These lines communicate important int...

Page 45: ...sets all devices ex cept the system controller to the idle state SRQ Service Request Asser ted by an inst rument to request serv ice from th e cont ro ll e r in c harge The cont roll er usually interr...

Page 46: is des ig ned into part icular device it is necessary to t ransmi t t he devi ce s secondary address following th e prim a ry ta lk or liste n add ress Th e four t h category listed above univ e r...

Page 47: ...this is not required by the IEEE standard This has only been brief introduction to the IEEE 488 interface Further information can be found in IEEE Standard 488 1975 IEEE Standard Digital Interface for...

Page 48: ...Acceptor Handshake Function 1 The function provides device with the capability to guarantee proper reception of messages on the Data Bus as well as the capability of delaying initiation or terminatio...

Page 49: ...C1 The DC function allows eithe r by itself or as to subset DC1 m eaning rece ives DCL Device buffer s ar e cl ear ed and the front pan el is set to the power up state However DCL does not affect plug...

Page 50: ...ondary ad dressing It is up to the devi ce designer to decide whic h t ype of addressing scheme is to be implemented on part icular devi ce Th at is some dev i ces use only prim a ry add ressing whil...

Page 51: Addr ess prim ary li sten address abbr evi ated MLA fo r My Listen Address o r as secondary address abbrev iated MSA fo r My Secondary Addr ess Inc iden tally if DI06 and D107 ar e 90 lines DI01 5...

Page 52: ...n operation Perhaps an example using the 7912AD will best illustrate the method Suppose that the 7912AD is set for primary address of 00000 and secondary address of 00001 According to the scheme previ...

Page 53: ...the plug in ini tially acts as listene r un t il receiving an UNListen command the n the plug in is made ta lker an d ret urns the stat u s o f spec ifi ed fun ct ion or ope rat ing paramete r Th e s...

Page 54: ...gume nts listed in Tabl e 3 1 can be used to fo rm Set commands Set commands are used to set the states o f the va ri ou s 7 1 pr ogrammab l e fun ct io ns Set command for the 7 16 has the fo llowing...

Page 55: ...mmand has the fo ll owing syntax fo rmat header Aga in fo rmat refers to an opt iona l carriage ret urn line feed space or any combinat ion t hereo f The quest ion mark fo llowing th e header argume n...

Page 56: ...argument must be numbe r in the range of 0 01 to 5 in 1 2 5 se que nce 1 2 V D means probe is on IDENTIFY Vert i cal Positi on of trace from center screen is set to range is 10 22 to 10 24 in 0 02 st...

Page 57: ...ture re fer s to t he version of protoco l implemented it may be updated at future date Summary of ANSI 3 42 Numerical Formats Signed or un sig ned integers no decimal po int preceded opt ionally by s...

Page 58: ...y command For example the following Set message sets the amplifier sensitivity to 0 5 Volts Division V D 0 5 Similarly the following Query message reads the setting of the Volts Division switches V D...

Page 59: ...e same order they were received The response to the query is valid at the time of the response rather than at the time the query is received The following is an example of multiple query message and i...

Page 60: ...d Messages With Sets and Queri es When Set and Que ry commands are included in th e same message t he fo ll owing action is taken First all Set commands ar e exec ute d in the orde r they are received...

Page 61: ...e requested status un t il one of t he fo ll owing occur s 1 the plug in is made talker and sen ds th e re quested stat us 2 late r message unit conta in s the same que ry in thi s case the ol d que r...

Page 62: as separate messages Howeve r it is poss ib l e to set or que ry mo re than one function in the same message provided certain rul es of syntax are fo llowed The fo llowing conv e nt ions are used...

Page 63: vari ous functions and the ir sett ings The allowable range for the start ing ad dress is 90 to hex VA Thi s ad dress is automat ica l l y inc rem e nted bet ween data bytes if more than o n e dat...

Page 64: ...AC DC GND Vo l ts Division ignores probe attenuation 10 milliv olts divis ion 20 mil livolts div is ion 50 milliv olts division 100 milliv olts division 200 milliv olts division 500 milliv olts divisi...

Page 65: pute the checksum required as the l ast byte o f low leve l Set o r Query message do the fo llowing 1 Find the hexadec imal base 16 sum o f t he pr eceding bytes o f the message 2 If the sum foun...

Page 66: ...ppose that we wan t to set the following input parameter s via the low level cod e input im pedance 50 ohms input coupling DC Vo lts Div 5 To e ffect these sett ings the fo ll owing hexadec imal numbe...

Page 67: ...l Query message Th e add ress byte spec ifi es t he first add ress in 7 16 memory to be read Th e co un t byte s pec ifi es the numbe r of addresses to be read Th e add r ess byte corres po nds to par...

Page 68: ...b ytes hex 15 When the plug in i s mad e ta lke r the Volts Div sett ing will b e ret urned The response to low level Que ry message looks id en t ica l to correspo nding low level Set message Fo r i...

Page 69: ...xadecimal numb e rs 15 01 40 80 10 1 input connecto r i s t he input impedance is 50 ohms and th e inpu t coupling is DC Th e 1A is the checksum As fina l exam ple consi der the fo llowing low l eve l...

Page 70: ...assigned talker and or listener s In some cases such as immediately following power up this step won t be necessary s ince no talker or listener will have been assigned To remove any talker or listen...

Page 71: ...itt ing n ew ch aracte r to be tran smi tted In the case of low level message the process is s imil ar exce p t that all e ight Data lines DIO1 t hrough DI08 are u sed fo r tran s fe rring the message...

Page 72: ...e 7A16P is that o f th e mainfram e plu s 1 Since the controll er is to be the talker no ta lk add ress is sen t 3 In the case of high level message th e ta lker cont ro lle r tran smi ts eac h of the...

Page 73: ...ld be un de rstood t hat t he REN R emote Enable line is co nt inuo usly asserted when ev e r th e plug in is be ing ope rated un der remote pr ogram control as opposed to local fr ont pane l co nt ro...

Page 74: ...the controller sends the primary talk add ress fo llo wed by the talke r s secondary address MSA if seconda ry addressing is used fo r that devi ce Simil arly the contro l le r des ignates the li ste...

Page 75: sen t th e ta lke r pl ug in asserts alo ng wi t h t he data byte thereby ind i cat ing the end of t he respo nse 9 Clear the bus Thoug h not re quired fo r t his ope ration the controller can now...

Page 76: ...ll e r t ransmits hexadec im al 43 the of the ma in frame fo llowed b y hex 64 t he MSA of t he 7 16 over the Data lin es Thi s ass ig ns the 7 16 as talke r 7 Th e talke r 7 16 now sends its query re...

Page 77: ...F ig 3 5 Status of the and DIO signal lines during high l evel and low level b Query message and response All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 78: ...where is 1 if the 7 16 is busy and 9 othe rwi se 2 Command error Occur s when ev e r th e plug in cannot understand or impleme nt the data it rece ives Command errors detected for low l ev e l message...

Page 79: ...that functi on is ignored as are any subsequent commands in the same message The serial poll response byte for this type of programming error is 11 9019 where signifi es the busy status 4 Busy Occur...

Page 80: ...intenance measure See semiconductor ch ec king info rm at i on given under Troub l eshoot ing The severity o f th e environment to which this un it is sub j ected dete rmines the frequenc y of main te...

Page 81: ...and heat damaged parts The corrective procedure for most visible defects is obvious However particular care must be taken if heat damaged components are found Overheating usually indicates other troub...

Page 82: ...rding to the standard color code Components not color coded usually have the value printed on the body The insulated wires used for interconnection in the 7 16 are color coded to facilitate tracing wi...

Page 83: ...Fig 4 1 Semiconductor lead configurations 4 4 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 84: ...omparitors diodes and FET s used in this instrument is helpful t ransistor curve tracer such as the TEKTRONIX Type 577 177 or 577 178 will give the most complete information 2 Multi eter voltmeter is...

Page 85: equipped with readou t s y stem 7D 13 Digital Multimeter unit 7B series Time Base uni t and 7A series Amplifier unit with 1 probe will meet the needs o f both i tem s 2 a nd 3 4 Plug in Ex tender...

Page 86: ...o perat ing co rrect ly into the mainframe and see if th e prob l em pe rs ists Chec k that th e input sig nals are properly conn ected and that the interconnect ing cab l es are not defective Vi sua...

Page 87: ...circuit using dynam ic trans i stor testor then replacement can be substituted to further verify that the old trans i stor i s bad Soc keted trans istors can immed i ately be checked by subst i tu t i...

Page 88: ...r test D RESISTORS Check resistors with an ohmmeter Resistor tolerance is given in the Electrical Parts List Resistors normally do not need to be replaced unless the measured value varies widely from...

Page 89: ...the mainfr ame power supplies 2 T emporarily remov e th e STOP st rap 1420 on the PROGRAMMING LOG IC board Pr ess any front pane l button exce p t VARIABLE to cause an interrup t and start the U cl oc...

Page 90: ...g wi t h micropr ocessor debuggi ng aid such as Te kt roni x 8000 series mic roprocessor lab may be n ecessary Se lf T est Add resses If the 7 16 fail s power up and the above steps fai l to identify...

Page 91: ...m the previous test hangs the 6800 here 78E616 The RAM failed pattern sensitivity test 790 1 6 The control registers were filled with zeroes The registers were read back and one was found 792E16 The r...

Page 92: ...r value tolerance rating and description The vendor s or manufacturer s pa rt number and address are also provided in the parts list NOTE When se lect ing re placement parts it is important to remembe...

Page 93: ...ia l The following rules should be obse rved when removing or r _ lacing parts 1 Use low wattage soldering iron not ov er 15 watts 2 Do not apply more heat or apply heat for longer t ime than is absol...

Page 94: ...he lead to the component b y means of p air of long nose pliers 4 Avoid excessive heat ing of the j unction with the circ uit board as thi s could separate t he ci rcuit board wiring fr om the base ma...

Page 95: ...The schematic diagram shows the lead configurations of the semiconductor s used in this instrument If the replacement semiconductor is not of the original type check t he manufacturer s basing diagra...

Page 96: ...s and shi e ld s t he AMPLIFIER and PROGRAMMING LOGIC board s there are no components mounte d on it In general the AMPLIFIER and PROGRAMMING LOG IC board s will rarely need removal since most of thei...

Page 97: in 7 L oosen the Allen set screw in the VARI ABLE shaft coupli ng then remove the VARIABLE control knob and shaft 8 Gent ly rock the front pane l casting to remov e the front panel assembly from th...

Page 98: ...not to break the reed switches 9 Pull the ATTENUATOR ACTUATO R boards back from the BNC connectors to allow room to un so l der t he two remaining leads from these connectors Th e n unsolder these le...

Page 99: ...7 16 INSTRUCT ION After any el ect ri cal compon ent has been replaced the ca librat io n of that p art i cular circuit should be checked as we ll as t he cali brat i on of other close ly re lated ci...

Page 100: ...t on all sides by t igh t ly packing dunnage or urethane foam b etween t he car ton and t he plug in uni t all owing three inches on all sides 4 Seal the carton with shipping tape or an industrial sta...

Page 101: ...ning the signal for posi ti oni ng fin al amplifi er stage spli ts the s ignal into seperate d isplay and tri gger si gnal s o f e qua l ampli tude des ired attenuati on factor or inverted s ignal pol...

Page 102: ...Fig 5 1 7 16 Bloc k Diagram 5 2 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 103: ...0 or 5010 These switches select the or connector as input to the plug in 0007 and LRO07 keep the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR on the input low If the 50 ohm input impedance is selected the micropr...

Page 104: ...uation at high frequencies and an adj ustable shunt capacitance to provide constant input capacitance As result these attenuators provide constant attenuation factor and input characteristic throughou...

Page 105: ...g input of U 310 U310 s output is inverted again by Q300 so the s ignal at its collecto r i s in phase wi th the output of Q302 The sum of t he output s ignal s is coupled through emitter follower Q30...

Page 106: ...2 and 3 of U540 pr ovides hig h fr e quenc y peaking R 540 L 540 and C532 are al so used for peaking high frequency response R 530 and R532 provid e negat ive bias vo l tage for the subst rate of U 54...

Page 107: ...di scussed R 300 is set duri ng calibrati on for fixed value If the amplifier i s set for VARIABLE gain VARIABLE knob out or VAR ON under program control the output of U 600A i s low so Q308 is on Now...

Page 108: ...plied e qua l c urr e n ts t hro ugh R 250 and R252 so t he d i spl ay and trigger sig nal s are e qual C232 and R138 are hi gh frequency peaking ad j ust ments R136 ad j usts low fre quency response...

Page 109: ...outine These service routines include such tasks as scanning the front panel buttons or getting byte from the IEEE 488 bus While servicing the interrupt the processor can mask its IRQ input so that fu...

Page 110: ...circ uit moni to r s t he power suppli es and generates ini t i ali ze signals for th e U cl oc k circuit and s The power up circuit is located in t he lower l e ft co rner of sc hemat i c 4 Comparat...

Page 111: ...generate the 2 phase MPU clock s ignal Reca ll that the output of U600 D makes low to high tran s i t ion s hortly after power up Thi s transition fires U420B so its Q output goes low and U420 A is c...

Page 112: ...the MPU Wh en the MPU servi ces the interrupt it takes all the row lines low t hen it sets th e row lines hi gh one at time and reads the column lines to determine whi ch butto n was pr essed When the...

Page 113: ...circuit to modify t he CRT readout and computer V D query response GPIB Interface 7 16 INSTRUCTION The GPIB Interface handles all communication between the MPU and the IEEE 486 bus This d escription...

Page 114: y for data the interface is read y fo r the next step in the handshake process The talker places data on t he bus and after sett ling delay asserts A V When DAV goes low the out put of U 1520D go...

Page 115: ...o f U 1330C goes low T he output of U 1520F and ENABLE go high d i sabling U 1500 Readout Circuit and sends the information to B e fo re we begin the detail e d readout sy stem is necessary desc rip...

Page 116: ...hortly TS1 is asserted during its normal time slot in both programm b le and non programmable mainframes VR1236 R 1236 R1234 and Q1230 shift the level of the TS 1 pulse and invert it VR1230 and R1230...

Page 117: ...its o f measurem ent Defines the units o f measurement of the plug in uni t May be stan dar d uni ts of meas urement V A S etc or spec ial uni ts se l ected fr om th e cha racte r selection matrix 5 1...

Page 118: ...d 6 is asse r ted W i th these input cond i t ions U 1310 s inks 1 ma o f current at pin 19 When TS 1 goes low 200 microamps of c urren t also flows through R 130b and R 1309 The resulting c urr e nt...

Page 119: ...request flag in the contro l register of the At the same time IRQA goes low assert ing the IR Q input of the MPU The MPU saves its c urrent status and sets the interrup t mask bit so that no fur t her...

Page 120: ...the next falling edge o f POTCK T he MPU re enters the interrupt routine and incr ements the DA C input word again Thi s process is repeated unt il the POSUP interrupt stop s occ urri ng or the 10 bi...

Page 121: ...ure These steps check the instrument against the tolerances listed as Performance Requirements see Specification section of this manual 7 16 INSTRUCTION SECTION 6 CALIBRATION Limits and tolerances giv...

Page 122: ...d control sett ings o r t he calib rat i on set up may need to be al te r ed slightly to meet the re quireme nts of the subst itute equipment If th e exact item of test e qui pment giv e n as an examp...

Page 123: ...d through Tektronix 7 90 Unit unit Sweep speed out procedure Programmable to 2ns DIV to provide Time Base horizontal sweep Calibration Standard Amplitude Used for gain Tektronix PG506 Generator output...

Page 124: ...6 1 continued 6 4 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 125: ...o r tio ns of t he Pe rfo rmance Check an d Calibrat i o n proced ur es require adjustm en t o f in tensit y or sweep speed Remember that reduc ing swee p speed has the same effect as inc r eas ing in...

Page 126: ...s while rotating the VARIABLE control t hrough its range Checking Gain 1 Connect BNC cable from the constant amplitude output of the Calibration Generator to the i nput of the 7 16 Set the generator a...

Page 127: ...two and thr ee 1 Connect the lev el ed out put of the constant amplitude sine wave generator to th e 7 16 2 Set th e 7 16 INPUT impe dance to 50 ohms 3 Set th e ge ne rato r to its reference freque n...

Page 128: ...ings Any part of the calibrat ion proced ure can be performed by sett ing up the equipment as shown in the tab les Pre i Control ti tl es th at ar e pr inted on the 7 16 front pane l are ca pi ta lize...

Page 129: ...1 Megohm POLARITY UP 1 Rem ove the STOP strap 1420 on th e Progr amming Logi c Board see Fig 6 1 2 In stall 10 pr obe on the inpu t o f th e 7 16 Connect the pr obe to 626 on t he Programming Logic B...

Page 130: ...DC Balance Test Set Set the 7 16 cont ro l s as fo ll ows VOLTS DIV 10 mV VARIABLE CAL pr essed in POSITION Midrange INPUT input DC Coupling PO LARITY UP 1 Chec k that the vertical trace shift is 0 5...

Page 131: Point and A dju stment Locations Attenuator and Amplifier Board Fig 6 1 Test Point and Ad justment Location s Programming Logic Board 6 11 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i...

Page 132: ...tween 10 mV DIV and 20 mV DIV 9 Check t hat the vertical trace shift i s 0 5 division or less while rotating the VARIABLE control t hroughout its range 10 Adj ust R 318 Variable Balance for m inimum t...

Page 133: ...n POSITION Midrange INPUT input DC Coupling one megohm POLARITY UP 1 Center the front panel GAIN control 2 Set the Calibration Generator for 50 mV output 3 Check that the display amplitude is five div...

Page 134: ...that the d i s play amplitude is wi thin 2 o f the generator output ampl itude on all VO LTS DIV ranges 13 Set the 7 16 INPUT to INVert 14 Chec k that the amplitude o f th e inv e rted displ ay is wi...

Page 135: ...2 Position Centering until the top of the square wave is 0 2 division below the center graticule line 6 Set the 7 16 POLARITY to INVerted 7 Turn the POSITION control fully clockwise 8 Check that the b...

Page 136: ...mplitude ou t put of t he Ca libration Ge nerator to th e 7A16P input through 50 ohm te rmin ato r an 10 att nuator and the RC No rm alize r the Normalizer mu st be co nnected to the 7A16P INPUT conn...

Page 137: ...libration generator 2 Ad j ust the Calibration Generator for s ix division d isplay 3 Ad just C110 for fast rise on the leading edge 4 Ad just C112 for best flat top on the square wave 5 Repeat these...

Page 138: ...quare wave 3 Adjust R 137 Low Frequency Compensation for best flat top minimum tilt Adjust High Frequency Compensation Test Set Up Set the 7 16 controls as follows VOLTS DIV 10 mV VARIABLE CAL pressed...

Page 139: ...the 7 16 controls as follows VOLTS DIV 10 mV VARIABLE CAL pressed in POSIT ION Midrange INPUT input DC Coupling 50 ohms POLARITY UP 1 Connect the Con stant Amplit ude Sig nal Ge nerator to the 7 16 i...

Page 140: to 20 megahertz 3 megahe rt z 8 Turn the mainframe power off and di sconnect all test equipment 9 covers 7 16 INSTRUC TION Remove the 7 16 and repl ace the mainframe and plug in side This completes...

Page 141: rmatio n if any is located at the rear of this manual SPECIAL NOTES AND SYMBOLS Part fi rst added at th is serial num ber Part removed after this serial nu mber ITEM NAME In the Parts List an It...


Page 143: ...9AAD W5R471 K C10100 281 0788 00 CAP FXD CER D1 470PF 10 100V 72982 8005H9AAD W5R471 K C10110 307 1013 01 TTENUATOR FXD 10X 80009 307 1013 01 C10112 307 1013 01 ATTENUATOR FXD 10X 80009 307 1013 01 C1...

Page 144: ...0 a 50V 56289 273C20 C60040 283 0600 00 CAP FXD MICA D 43PF 5 500V 00853 D105E430J0 C60042 283 0640 00 CAP FXD MICA D 160 PF 1 100V 00853 D151 E161 F0 C60044 283 0010 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 05UF 100 20 5...

Page 145: ...ND DVC SE SILICON 40 PIV 200 MA SEL 80009 153 0057 00 CR30210 152 0075 00 SEMICOND DEVICE GE 25V 40MA 14433 G866 CR30212 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150 MA 01295 iN4152R R30300 152 0141 02...

Page 146: ...E ED SWITCH 4 6V 80009 108 0891 00 10100 108 0891 00 COIL RF FIXED RE 7 SWITCH 4 6V 80009 108 0891 00 10110 108 0891 00 COIL RF FIXED R O SWI TCH 4 6V 80009 108 0891 00 L60002 108 0311 00 0OIL RF FIXE...

Page 147: ...0606 00 SEMICOND DVC SE MA CHED 6V 15MA 80009 153 0606 00 060214 151 0341 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN 07263 S040065 Q60320 151 0341 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN 07263 S040065 060620 151 0188 00 TRANSISTOR...

Page 148: ...W 01121 1035 R10306 317 0106 00 RES FXD CMPSN 10M 5 0 125 W 01121 1065 R10307 321 0440 00 RES FXD FILM 374 K 1 0 125 W 91637 MFF1816G37402F R 10309 315 0102 00 RES FXD CMPSN 1 0 5 0 25W 01121 CB1025...

Page 149: ...1637 MF F1816G63400F R30316 321 0354 00 RES FXD FILM 47 5K 0N 1 0 125 W 91637 MF F1816G47501 F 330320 321 0341 00 8010100 029999 RES FXD FILM 34 8K 1 0 125 W 91637 MFF 1816G34801 F 30320 321 0233 00 0...

Page 150: ...0 50W 75042 CECTO 1001 F R 60100 308 0304 00 RES FXD WW 1 5K 1 3W 91637 RS2B B15000F R60102 315 0101 00 RES FXD CMP SN 100 5 0 25W 01121 CB1015 R60104 315 0101 00 RES FXD CMP SN 100 5 0 25W 01121 CB1...

Page 151: ...FXD FILM 698 1 O 5OW 91637 MFF1226G698 ROF R60336 321 0120 00 010167 8041593 RES FXD FILM 174 1 0 125 W 91637 MFF 1816G174 ROF R60336 323 0149 00 041594 RES FXD FILM 348 1 0 50W 75042 CECTO 3480F R60...

Page 152: ...325 R60701 321 0156 00 RES FXD FILM 412 1 0 125 W 91637 MFF1816G412 ROF R60702 321 0216 00 RES FXD FILM 1 74K 1 0 125 W 91637 MFF1816G17400 F R60704 315 0202 00 RES FXD CMP SN 2K 5 0 25W 01121 C82025...

Page 153: ...5 0 25W 01121 CB4725 R301515 315 0222 00 RES FXD CMPSN 2 2K 5 0 25W 01121 CB2225 R301520 315 0103 00 RES FXD CM PSN 10K 5 0 25W 01121 CB1035 1301602 321 0193 00 010100 8041606 RES FXD FILM IKOHM 1 0...

Page 154: ...PTR 80009 156 0427 04 U30920 156 0426 00 010100 8030569 MICROCIRCUIT DI MICROPROCESSOR 04713 MC6800S U30920 156 0426 05 030570 MICROCIRCU DI MICROPROCESSOR SCREE NED 80009 156 0426 05 U31630 160 1511...

Page 155: ...662 00 030000 SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W SV 1 04713 SZG195 VR30530 152 0508 00 010100 041606 S EMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 12 6V 5 80009 152 0508 00 VR30534 152 0265 00 SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 24V 5...

Page 156: ...Electrical Engineering S ECTION 8 7A16P INSTRUCTION ILLUSTRATION Inc are it goes to the low state or assemblies on the diagrams Pl ug to E C Boa rd Identifies Panel Controls Connectors and Indicators...

Page 157: ...Fig 8 1 10 Attenuator Board Front Fig 8 1b A10 Attenuator Board Rear Fig 8 2 20 Actuator Board All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 158: ...10 U OR BOARD All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 159: ...20 ACTUATOR BOARD All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

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Page 175: ...30 PROGRAMMINC LOGIC BOARD MPU CLOCK MISC 4 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

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Page 178: ...7 16 I NSTRU CTION All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

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Page 180: ...PROG RA MMI NG LOGIC BOAR D Refer to Fig 8 4 60 AMPL IFI ER B OARD S WIT C HI NG LOGIC All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

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Page 183: ...7 16 I N STRU CTIO N CKT NUMBERING EXAMPLE R162 on 12 Assembly R 112162 in Parts List Assembly Number All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

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Page 185: ...READOUT 30 PROGRAMMING LOGIC BOARD All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

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Page 188: ...7 16 INSTRUCTION C KT NUMBERING EXAMPLE R162 on 12 Assembly R1 162 in Parts List L Assembly Number Fig 8 50 Switch Board Fig 8 9 40 LED Board All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 189: ...FRONT PANEL 50 SWITCH BOAR D 40 LED Board All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

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Page 192: pa rts Attaching parts must be purchased separately unless otherwise specified In th e Pa rts L ist an Ite m N a m e is sep a r ated from t h e desc ri p tio n by colo n Beca u se of space limitat...


Page 194: ...77 001 19 1 CKT BOARD ASSY L E D SE E 40 REPL 20 131 0589 00 8 TERM1NAL PIN 0 46 L 0 025 SO 22526 48283 029 21 131 1362 01 1 CONN RCP ELEC CKT CD DBL ROW 15 CONTACTS 80009 131 1362 01 22 361 0865 00 5...

Page 195: ...1 CKT BOARD ASSY SHIELD SE E 70 REP L 66 384 1464 00 1 EXTENSION SHAFT 2 025 L 0 125 OD SST 80009 384 1464 00 67 1 C BOARD ASSY PROGRAM LOGIC SEE 30 REPL C G PARTS 68 211 0198 00 2 SCREW MACH 4 40 0...

Page 196: ...1061 00 91 426 0505 07 1 FR SECT PLUG 1 J 80009 426 0505 07 92 214 1054 00 1 SPRING FLAT 0 825 0 322 SST 80009 214 1054 00 93 105 0075 00 1 BOLT LATCH 7A 7 SER PL IN 80009 105 0075 00 94 426 0603 06 1...

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Page 198: ...7 16 PROGRAMMABLE AMPLIF I ER All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 199: ...ix Snria Modo No M fr No Part No M Du Uty 1 2 3 3 Name Description Code Mfr Part Number o7o 23 o oo 1 uaa aL c u z s a czz m uoooy u 0 23oo o 7 1GP PROGRAMMABLE AMPLIFIER All manuals and user guides a...

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Page 202: ...TR I CA L PARTS SCHEMAT I C CHANGES 670 4915 03 C K T B OAR D ASSY AMPL I F I ER are s hown on Diagr am 2 D 5 V Date Februa _ 28 __1983 Change Reference _ 50089__ Manual Part No 70 2308 _ CAP F XD C E...
